Herbs & how long can it take to 'clear heat?'

forum post

Herbs & how long can it take to 'clear heat?'

Published on 07-07-2016

"anon172486" has authored 9 other posts.

Hello - I’ve posted here before, regarding warm/tingly hands/soles and potential yin deficiency. I’ve seen two different acupuncturists; the first (at a school) diagnosed me as liver qi stagnant with underlying phlegm. The second, an independent professional who checked me out for 15 minutes, thought that yin deficiency was the probable cause of the warm/tingling hands & soles. As I did not make follow up appointments (I live a far distance from the nearest big town), the school acu. recommended Shu Gan Wan, while the second mostly gave me lifestyle recommendations and did not speak of herbs. I tried the Shu Gan Wan but it seemed like it increased the heat, so I discontinued.

At an acupuncturist website, I was advised to take Rehmannia plus Anemarrhena and Cork Bark to ‘clear heat’ from yin deficiency. It was stated that it takes 1-2 weeks to see results. Is this correct? I recall learning here that herbs take longer for beneficial results to be implemented.

As for the hands/palms – it occurred right when I became sick with a viral infection and has persisted for 5 months. I have cut down on stimulants, and noticed that by eliminating caffeine, I had some relief. Instead of an all-day low burn, it became sporadic off/on, with 2-3 ‘flares’.’ It hasn’t totally subsided with lifestyle changes (better sleep + more exercise), and seems to get worse if I have irregular sleep, so I was thinking of trying some herbs as I cannot regularly attend acupuncture.

From your experience, how long should it take to clear palm/sole heat with a healthy lifestyle and herbal treatment? Is it possible to clear the heat without herbs? Should I not take herbs without acupuncture treatment? I have to be careful how I spend money after the costs of the illness and other supplements, but I would like to clear this if possible before my second child arrives in late August. Thanks for any advice!

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2016

Generally speaking yin deficiency is slow and depends on many other factors - diet, age, lifestyle, other health issues, other layered patterns from a Chinese Medicine perspective. In the most general terms possible it would be rare that anyone would be on herbs for yin deficiency for less than 3 months and quite common for them for 9-15 months or longer.

With regards to acupuncture vs. herbs. Generally both are preferable, not least of which because it gives your practitioner time to see you, watch your progress and adjust your formulas if necessary. Since it takes time, however, in many cases something like an acupuncture treatment once a month over a period of 3-9 months with herbs taken the entire time would work well. It really depends on the patient and the preferences of the practitioner.

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comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2016

You can do a few simple things with your diet to help. Avoid processed foods, processed sugar, spicy/hot foods, and greasy foods. Don’t drink any soda, black tea (any other type of tea is fine) or coffee. If you know any yoga the ‘child’ pose is a good posture to promote the yin. So called yin styles of yoga in general are also going to provide a better benefit than other types of exercise such as running, walking, or weights. Tai chi is also an excellent activity but arguable takes longer before you’d see benefits. Meditation is another excellent tool to strengthen the yin.

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comment by "anon172486"
on Jul 2016

Thanks for the feedback, guys. When I went to the first acupuncturist/school, they told me I wasn’t yin def. because I was “too vital”–indeed, I show very little of the symptoms other than five palm heat. I’m 40, exercise regularly, have a high metabolism… for example, I was able to climb a 12,000 ft. peak the other day without any difficulties. My tongue is pink with a white curdy coat, pulse wiry/slippery, which resulted in the original liver qi / phlegm diagnosis. I suppose the cold/bitter herbs will clear the heat regardless of the diagnosis?

I’ve noticed that sugar may be a cause of the ‘flashes’ I get… now that I’ve eliminated alcohol & caffeine, the heat/tingling is less but it does seem to manifest a short while after something with white sugar is consumed. I will continue to monitor and adapt.

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