my wife had some tests recently its 9 months after she gave birth and they say she has low thyroid function, although alot of the classic symptoms appear to be missing, she actually had the tests because of bleeding outside her normal period
i know from an acupunture treatment before she gave birth that she had a low liver / spleen and she has pale tongue and white coating
i am wonder which points would be good for some massage
we just moved house and dont know any good acupunturists here, but i thought working some of the points every evening could be beneficial.
This post has the following associations:
Issues/Symptoms: hypothyroidism
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2009
Acupressure is probably not going to be very helpful but moxibustion at KD 3 and/or CV 4 very likely would be helpful. Some common patterns which will lead you to more proper points are on our hypothyroid treatment page.
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