Pericardium Meridian Points Have Measurable Chemical Changes During Myocardial Ischemia - discussion (2018-10-09 01:28:31pm)

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Pericardium Meridian Points Have Measurable Chemical Changes During Myocardial Ischemia - discussion (2018-10-09 01:28:31pm)

Published on 10-09-2018

"anon53061" - this is their first post.

Related Post @ Pericardium Meridian Points Have Measurable Chemical Changes During Myocardial Ischemia - Acupuncture - Research | Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Blog - Yin Yang House

My question is. I just had 6 stents done calcified arteries and very thin ones. What points would you advice my acupuncturist do?
And for how many sessions.
Thank you so much

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Oct 2018

I would never advise another acupuncturist on what to do without them asking the question. This is particularly important since I am not familiar with any aspect of your overall health. Same goes for the number of treatments. If your acupuncturist has questions about the best way to help you I would recommend that they post and ask their questions. They will be able to provide proper context, besides symptoms, where we can likely guide them better. For the general why - see “treating the cause vs. the symptoms”.

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