Have you studied a textbook to mention standard necessary qty (approx.)of acupuncture treatment sessions for acupuncture-effective conditions such as bi syndromes, spondilopathy, sciatica, depression, lumbar pain, knee joint pain.
This is contraversial among acupuncturists, and a clear guideline can help so much.
Below are the most recent, view all here.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2009
There are no hard and fast rules for this and trying to apply them denies the way that Chinese Medicine works with each individual person. You have to remain flexible and pay close attention to how patients respond (and don't respond) to treatment to setup an appropriate plan.
I've discussed my personal views on this subject a number of times - you may want to read this post here and the other posts contained within my reply to give you my perspective.
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