Published on 09-14-2017
"anon194503" has authored 6 other posts.
Hi Insomnia! I just happened to stumble on your topic and wanted to share with you what I have found in my journey of healing. I’ve suffered digestive issues since I was young child ( so at least about 25 years), they have waxed and waned but I’ve always had issues when I ate certain foods, and over the years my symptoms increased to the point where I have had literally over 300 symptoms, and seen over 100 different western docs and dozens upon dozens alternative practitioners. I have been diag…
Hi, you mentioned you did a genetic test through 23andMe. Could you tell me what’s the first step? Is it that 'Personal Genome Service" for 99$?
So just order it and follow the steps and eventually I’ll get my raw data that I can plug in those other websites you mentioned?
Thank you
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