Hi, I was approached by someone today claiming he makes a cream TGA approved for skin cancer. He said he uses a chinese herb and makes a cream. Said you rub it on for approx one month and the cancer goes… I have used many products (currently using radium weed grown myself from bought seeds for this purpose). Radium weed I find excellent… 3 days application and the scab falls off within 10 days to clear skin with no scarring. Sometimes the protocol has to be repeated several times. The man I met today said his cream creates no scab but the skin cancer disappears!!! Sounds fantastic however he wouldn’t tell me the chinese herb… Does anyone know of such a herb? Thank you.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Oct 2018
He would be the only person who knows the answer to what is in his cream. But a brief glance through the TGA website has no mention of any approval for such a cream. There is black salve which has some usage, but very mixed reports and some really bad side effects for some. The TGA clearly is not supportive of this somewhat commonly used salve - a fairly balanced article can be .
Radium weed does have at least some research supporting it for nonmelanoma skin cancers.
If his product went through any type of approval process the ingredients would have to be described (they could be protected under some type of patent I imagine) - but my guess is it is black salve which is from bloodroot (among any number of other ingredients) and while it does have some general support, in this format the responses seem all over the place (see article referenced above).
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comment by "anon32669"
on Oct 2018
Thx for your reply Chad. Exactly my thoughts the minute he seemed precious about the ingredients… I have used black salve… (I have used most methods) and although black salve worked it was a long, painful, ugly experience and I have a small scar (possibly no bigger than if it was removed surgically tho)… I would not recommend it to anyone tho as the ingredients are not stated on the product for one reason. I will get back to the forum when Mr. so called ‘TGA approved product man’ contacts me with more details… said he had a website… I asked him if it was black salve and he said ‘no’… said there was no scabbing and that the bcc just disappears… mmmmm
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