Tong Ren and Leukemia (CLL)

forum post

Tong Ren and Leukemia (CLL)

Published on 02-12-2014

"archived-user" has authored 334 other posts.

Although I am familiar with many "alternative medicine" modalities, I had not heard of Tong Ren til I read about it on the YinYangHouse website this week and did some research on the internet about it, in particular, the treatments for different types of cancers.

I was excited to read that there is a protocol for leukemia. Can someone please tell me where are T1(bone marrow), T7 and T8 (blood) are located? And if one can massage the corresponding blocked "ouch" points for children, can one massage the "ouch" (blocked) points for adults?

I know the names of the meridians, but don't see the above referenced points on my little chart.

Thank you so much for any weblink or information you can provide.


B. K.

ps I have already purchased the Kang Zhong Pian formula which seems to be indicated for blood cancer.

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  • Comments / Discussions:

    comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
    on Feb 2014

    I would recommend you start by reading the Tong Ren Therapy introductory page - which has a link to the Huatuo Point System used within Tong Ren Therapy. In short, huatuo points are noted by the vertebrae they are located at (.25 inch on either side). So c7 is cervical vertebrae 7, T1 is thoracic vertebrae 1, etc.

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2014

    Dear Chad,

    Thank you very much. My acupressurist and Tai Chi instructor in PA worked a lot up and down these Huatua points and I always felt so good afterwards. She explained that they "reached out" so to speak, to the whole body. I wish your practice was not so far away! Do you know anyone good to work with here in Durham, Chapel Hill or Raleigh? I looked for someone who does Tong Ren but there is only one person in NC, in "Oriental" NC of all the places. I realize you may not be able to make recommendations in public chat.

    Would the best thing for me be to learn Tong Ren and self treat the leukemia points? I have "had" Cll (I don&#39t like to "own" it) for 17 years, have been treated twice and don&#39t want it to re-occur. I have been trying to get to the root cause all this time with so many different modalities. Tai Chi and Qigong help me thrive but there is more to the puzzle. I think TCM has what I need, if only I can find the right self-applications and practitioners to help.

    Thank you again for your prompt response. And btw I am so impressed with the explanations you give about Chinese medecine on you site. They are perfectly clear and understandable. I have read a number of them and printed them out for my "learning notebook." I love your website and the free forum as well as the classes on Tuesday night. I was so surprised to see the Tong Ren last night after reading about it. There you were hammering vooddoo style on a maneqin. Yet I understood right away that energetically this could heal someone. I teach and practice EFT and we do "surrogate tapping" for people all the time.

    Thank you again,

    B. K.

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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    How is it going BK, with the CLL?

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    Dear K,

    I am in remission after a clinical trial of ABT199 at Duke. The drug targets the over-expression of a protein on B-cells. My numbers are all good and in January it was 20 years since diagnosis. I have not pursued the Tong Ren here due to cost and time factors, but thanks for the reminder. I teach Tai Chi and Qigong locally and found an acupuncture clinic to help out with aches and pains.

    It was wonderful to hear from YinYang house. I always recommend your site. Please be sure I am on your mailing list for newsletters etc. and let me know if any other patients with CLL would like to be in touch.

    Warm Regards,

    Barbara Karas

    ps What are you doing awake at 0200? Can't sleep? Try Tong Ren!

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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    It has been 12 years to the day that I was dx'd with CLL and I am still untreated! Am always eager to hear of the experience of others ... and have never heard of ABT199. Is it similar to Ibrutinib? Thanks, K

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    Dear Ash,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but Congratulations on still being untreated. Have you been doing Tong Ren all this time? There were several dif protocols for leukemia when I looked into it and we were not sure which one was best. I did not have the time or $ to go to Boston or to TN to get treated last time I relapsed. Yes, ABT199 is similar to ibrutinib in that it can be a monotherapy although I just checked Pubmed and see that they can be used together. However the trial I did also included Rituximab...I did 6 cycles of that along with taking several hundred MGs of the ABT 199 with it daily. My immune system got pretty depressed (side effect of Venetoclax) but I took care and made it through with the help of Neulasta shots and quite a few trips to the ER to manage "febrile neutropenia." It was a hoot.....(NOT!) More in another email. .

    Pharmacological and Protein Profiling Suggests Venetoclax (ABT-199) as Optimal Partner with Ibrutinib in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. - PubMed - NCBI
    Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Aug 15;21(16):3705-15. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-2809. Epub 2015 Mar 31. Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    Hi Again Ash (see below)

    Be sure to check out the CLL Global foundation...they take NO money from drug companies or universities. My Dr, Michael Keating, is the founder and his work is absolutely amazing. Please be in touch if you want more information esp if you opt to get treated. There are places to go and places not to go! Sincerely, Barbara Karas

    Connect to the knowledge of a community of cancer experts. Information for patients on medical research and living well, featuring leading doctors and patient advocates.


    CLL Global Research Foundation | Patient Power

    CLL Global Research Foundation began as a concept from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The idea was to provide a spotlight on CLL and to ...

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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    I worked with a remote Tong Ren practitioner back in 2010 a few times. That
    was my only experience with Tong Ren. I feel fine but for some reason Tong
    Ren has been on my mind the last few days so may look into it further.

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    Dear Ash,

    If you would like to discuss where to get best treatment down the road, feel free to contact me. I have used mainstream medicine and am alive and well because of it, with some help from Qigong and Tai chi.

    Barbara Karas

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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    Yes, yes, I am interested in any and everything you have to share. Thanks,

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    Dear Ash,

    Rather than spend time writing a long email, the best would be for us to speak on the phone or use Skype.

    Then we can cut to the chase so to speak without it being a case of too much information. I have blocks of time during the week and on weekends. Some evenings work also. Let me know what works for you.


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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    likewise there are blocks of time i can skype. wednesdays are usually good
    as i work at home that day but when i am in the office i can always skype
    or simply pick up the phone and give you a call

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    comment by "BarbKar" (general)
    on Feb 2017

    How about Wed March 1st afternoon at 3pm? It's "ASH" Wednesday!

    In the meantime can you tell me anything about your numbers, your FISH test results, your Dr.?

    Just briefly and where you live exactly or rather what cancer center you would go to?

    My skype id is barbara.karas136 You can send me an invitation. I prefer skype because I can talk hands free but we don't need to have the picture....


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    comment by "anon12138"
    on Feb 2017

    I will check my calendar and get back to you re that date. Funny thing is,
    I don't have any numbers from the doc. I once went for blood tests often
    when first dx'd in Japan way back and after moving to the States they
    became more infrequent as the doc always said, "See you in a year." I
    haven't been to the oncologist in three years but did see my general
    practitioner a few weeks ago and told him I didn't' need to know my WBC as
    it is only a number I obsess over. I had the FISH test way back and it all
    "looked good" I was told. I live near Atlanta and have visited Georgia
    Cancer Specialists.

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