Zen Shiatsu and the 5 Element points...Help!

forum post

Zen Shiatsu and the 5 Element points...Help!

Published on 07-08-2009

"archived-user" has authored 334 other posts.

Submitted By: KenpoVortex

Hello Everyone.

I have been learning Zen Shiatsu for the last several months and while researching the 5 Elements I came across 5 Element acupoints for each meridian.

I am stumped on somehting. Why/how do the points for half of the meridians go against the normal chi flow for that meridian? I will use the Lung Meridian as an example...Wood Jing-Well is LU11, Fire Ying-Spring is LU10, Earth Shu-Stream is LU9, Metal Jing-River is LU8, Water He-Sea is LU5.

The info I came across states that the Jing- Well is "where the chi of the meridian emerges and begins moving towards the trunk of the body."

If LU7 is where the chi branches off to connect with Large Intestine meridian, which then begins to move towards the trunk of the body, what is the significant meaning of this difference? Do the meridians have a 2-way chi flow?

I feel as though I am missing something quite obvious and not seeing it, any insight would be greatly appreciated.



This post has the following associations:

Acupoints: lu 7, lu 9

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  • Comments / Discussions:

    comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
    on Jul 2009

    This can get a little elaborate (like most things in TCM), but I think this will help. Generally speaking when you use acupuncture points you can tonify the meridian by needling with the flow of the meridian and disperse the meridian by needling against the flow of the meridian. In general this theory is to effect the excess/deficiency patterns in a particular meridian. So excess energy in the face (sinus, etc.) you can disperse LU 7. Weakness in the lungs (deficiency asthma, etc.) you can tonify LU 9. Note that these points also individually have dispersive and tonification actions separately from simply the direction of flow. Thus, the directions of needling/flow of the meridians is somewhat (generally, again) outside of the function of each individual point.

    Entry/Exit point needling is a somewhat separate theory. For details on this theory you can read the entry/exit details section. And for a general statement that will take away some of your concerns about this apparent contradiction in function at times, I state on that page "The entry exit points do not have a strong theoretical usage in modern clinical practice, however, they may be considered if you want to allow a relative excess or deficiency in one meridian to be offset by it's yin yang paired meridian." (Again a somewhat generalized statement, but clinically valid for most practitioners)

    You might also want to read the entry exit block theory from classical five element treatment section. Five Element Acupuncture and TCM style Acupuncture often use these theories in different ways or place higher levels of emphasis on certain theories and less on others.

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