"anon142065" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "anon142065"

"anon142065" They joined us in 2021.

1 Most Recent Public Forum Post by "anon142065"

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (12/2021)

Hello. I had acpuncture 5 days ago. The acpuncturist put the needle into my forehead and about 6 mins in my face went numb and tingly. He saud that usually doesnt happen. It has been 5 days since the treatment...

5 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "anon142065"

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (10/2017)

For weakness from Bactrim withdrawl. Not able to eat. I wrote him today. He suggested I go to a neurologist.

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (10/2017)

This was the only treatment for this. He is liscensed in the state I am in. He is l.a.c. c.a. He had very good ratings. And when I called him. He told me to come back in and he would...

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (10/2017)

Going to see my dr on Thursday again for this

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (10/2017)

I think it was just on the surface.

Facial numbness after acpuncture and eye pain for 5 days (10/2017)

No. No eye pain or sinus pain. Don’t really recall. He didnt put alcohol or clean the area either. Someone told me he might have activated nerves that werent activated before. He told ne there is only muscles where he...

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