I was just reading about this new coronavirus and wanting to be prepared should it spread to my area. I would like to have some formulas ready for my clients. It seems the symptoms are dry cough, fever, and possibly...
After reviewing this formula and Gan Mao Ling, I am wondering why Gan Mao Ling would be necessary. Would you tell me your thinking about that?
I think this may be the formula you were talking about that is being used in China. Qingfei Paidutang. https://www.macaubusiness.com/traditional-chinese-medicine-treatment-applied-in-fighting-covid-19/. Is this the same as Qing Fei Jie du tang?
I just read this article about a formula that seems to be working in China. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-02/17/c_138792163.htm I think this may be the formula you were talking about that is being used in China. Qingfei Paidutang. Is this the same as...
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