The problems are only anyone trying to get over on the state license CLAUSE 281, are illegals (unqualified, untrained) practising.The AOBTA has the name address phone numbers of EVERY school in the WORLD, so anyone saying they studied an ABT...
Hi ChadI was glad to see the post come up on my email.I had a license with the city of Quincy for 11 1/2 years, when the state law became enacted, I would answer to Quincy board of health, never...
Psoas is directly related to Kidneys.I think you should know your own body.If you had nerve injury, your best bet is homeopathy, your sx would determine the remedy required.
The state law is clear in its exemption status.Craig can practice legally with no problem.I am a state rep for AOBTA/ MA.Keep doing Shiatsu Craig, if you had chosen to be grandfathered in to the state massage licensure, you would...
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