In Chinese medicine acupuncture points and herbs ought to be selected based on a proper diagnosis. There are multiple reasons in Chinese medicine for a person to develop kidney stones. If the diagnosis is incorect and the wrong points or...
What both of you don't seem to realize is that the selection of acupuncture points is based on a traditional Chinese medical diagnosis. If you don't understand how to diagnose to select the appropriate acupuncture points or herbs, why not...
I find that certain patients no matter how good the acupuncture points or herbs selected won't have their anxiety alleviated because these people have developed poor habits in dealing with worry and stress.For this type of patient I usually recommend...
I agree with Chad on this. You should be interested in overall treatment. You need practitioner so that a proper Chinese medicine diagnosis can be made to select the best treatment plan for you. And in addition to the the...
You should keep it up. A general rule of thumb is that for every year you've had a condition it takes at least one month of weekly treatments. You don't mention how long you were on the birth control pill,...
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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