Yes, Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is the flagship formula. For prevention, dietary and lifestyle adjustments would also be helpful. Avoid damp/phlegm producing, for example, spicy, greasy foods. Gravitate toward fresh fruits, vegetable, and grains. Incidentally, white rice can help...
Undigested food in stool indicates Spleen qi and Spleen yang deficiency. Floating stool means that there's gas trapped in the stool, which may be caused by bacterial infection of the guts. You definitely should consult a practitioner. Since your digestion...
Do have somebody who's experienced show you moxa techniques, otherwise it's definitely something you can help yourself with. I recommend using fewer points and focusing on your body consciousness and response to the moxibustion. For spleen qi deficiency, ST36, CV12,...
I'd call them skull rather than scalp meridians for starters. Most likely, you're more interested in the points than meridian lines. Stimulation of the points on the skull can be very powerful because you are working at the deep level...
Although shiatsu eveloved from anmo which originated from China and can be regarded as a form of tuina, shiatsu and tuina are vastly different disciplines. They are different in theory and practice. Since you are TCM orientated, you'll find tuina...
Chinese medicine is so rich in analyzing and understanding sweating. Details about the sweating would really help. For example, is the sweating spontaneous - occuring with the body at rest, or it it oversweating - seemingly too much for the...
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