Diagnostic techniques in acupuncture do vary widely. Historically different schools have emphasised certain techniques. Also different patterns may/may not require pulse taking to develop a clear pattern differentiation. I hope this helps.</p
Hi,Sounds like this could have many causes and therefore many possible treatments - could you give more detail - esp what is the client's mental state, general health, are hands and feet numb or cold etc.Have had results for similar...
Given the above perhaps Qi Gong would be a good adjunct to your existing treatment..
I don't know if you have resolved your issue but we have found TDP lamps to be very effective - no smoke. Philosophical question as to whether they are as effective as moxa.. We still use smokeless Japanese style for...
Agree with the post above with regards self treatment, particularly if you aren't qualified/eperienced. I've actually seen some unpleasant results of this in the past. If your reluctance to seeing a practitioner is due to a reluctance to discuss sexual...
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