"dbl3alt" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "dbl3alt"

"dbl3alt" They joined us in 2021.

1 Most Recent Public Forum Post by "dbl3alt"

Breech babies (12/2021)

hello - first post here, hope you can help. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and my baby is breech. I've read of moxibustion and acupunture to turn a breech baby using BL67 for 10 days starting at 34w, but my question...

5 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "dbl3alt"

Breech babies (11/2011)

Many thanks Yeoman, yes, my m/wife has already said she&#39ll refer me for a scan by 36weeks (as she&#39s not too sure herself) and will give me my options based on that.I&#39ll look out for the little hands in the...

Breech babies (11/2011)

To be honest, I wish I had a scan or something to confirm which way he is now, as I am totally confused...! I still have a big hard lump underneath my ribs, sometimes I&#39m convinced it&#39s his head, but...

Breech babies (11/2011)

thanks Jasmine!I saw my midwife yesterday and she seemed to think that the baby was now head down (although she was not 100% convinced herself). I feel most big movemnets on the top right side of my bump, but I...

Breech babies (11/2011)

Thank you very much for your reply!!I think it was a you tube video that mentioned BL67 as part of the induction points (together with SP6 and BL60 I think). I feel reassured now.I must admit that I was a...

Breech babies (11/2011)

Thank you so much for getting back to me. I&#39d started to get really paranoid I could have done some harm!I don&#39t know if it is just a coincidence, but my baby/bump feels very different today (and very uncomfortable). If...

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