Patient female 68 years, 5 year previously, had blisters on feet caused by fungal infection. Antigens entered through opening made by M.D. resulting in sceptisemia. This was treated by M. Do. with only limited success. She has tried everything possible,...
I have a friend that has the most aggressive scleroderma and he was able to get very effective help from an acupuncturist. His skin was so thick and dense it was like saddle leather, He started treatments 8 months ago...
In studying the initial trauma and it effects on the physical body, the muscle spasms would probably cause damage and blockages of the phrenic nerve in the cervical region. as well as the rest of the spine. Chiropractic adjustment chi...
I have been exploring different kinds of energy to stimulate the bio-energy system as I have found some very innovative technegues implimented by Tom Tam in his practice. The TMC did not have much chance stimulating sights on the scull...
I also have a client that experienced electric shock and he has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs disease due to his symtoms .He is in a wheel chair. I have foiund imbalances in his nervous system and have been correcting...
Could I ask what kind of energy you are using? it sounds like patches of some sort I would be very interested in sharing some ideas. I have been working with Bio-energetic stimulation of the acupuncture sights for some time...
If you check the Hua Tuo Jia Ji points C6 that effects the strength of the whole arm and hand, a pinch or blockage here may be what you are looking for as it deals with the nerves.
Thank you for you help, I will definately try this
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