What acupuncture points are effective to induce prespiration (ie. to make some one sweat)
Your answer to the problem is very correct. As an acupuncturist I support your comment that Acupuncture points will not do anything aganist nature.
For sweaty palms P9 (Pericardium) will be very effective and UB62 and Ub67 can be combined with this point
The above condition can be treated by acupuncture and will exorience improvement in 5 treatments. The recommended acupuncture points are GB42, TW5, ST5, Si19 and Li4.
Acupuncture generally is not very painful, atleast not painful to the extent of bringing tears in your eyes for 10 minutes. After proper needling you may feel a tingling or slightly itching sensation in the needled area which may persist...
Removal of any organ naturally causes further complications which manifest in different forms. In the first place the reason for removal of the gall bladder should be analysed. This appears to be a complex problem, and according to Chakra acupuncture...
Pain in Li4 cannot be an indication for miscarrige, neither applying acupressure in Li4 will cause miscarrige. If you are still having unwanted discharge you can treat in SP4, GB41 and DU24
For back sprain I have treated several patients effectively with the points H9 and Si3. For numbness and pinning sensation in foot UB66 (urinary blabber) and St41 will be effective.
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