"Pandrej" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "Pandrej"

"Pandrej" They joined us in 2021.

1 Most Recent Public Forum Post by "Pandrej"

Optimal needle size for auricular acupuncture (12/2021)

Hey, all. I'm a newly-certified auricular acupuncturist. I was trained using needles that were 15mm in length. After training I bought some 30mm needles to see if I found them preferable, but I have a lot of difficulty with getting...

3 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "Pandrej"

Optimal needle size for auricular acupuncture (3/2013)

Thanks to you both for the fantastic feedback.For some reason my NADA trainer encouraged us not to utilize guide tubes, so I hadn&#39t even tried. However, the 30mm needles go into the ear MUCH easier with the guide tubes.I wasn&#39t...

Optimal needle size for auricular acupuncture (3/2013)

Yeah, the needle I have the most difficulty with is a Serin, which surprised me because I&#39ve heard such great things.

Optimal needle size for auricular acupuncture (3/2013)

Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. I will experiment with guide tubes and see if that helps.

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