What does it mean from an acupuncture perspective when a persons left and right wrist broadcast the pulse very unevenly? For example, a patient who had a strong and noticeable pulse on the right wrist but a weak and barely...
Thanks yeoman, I really appreciate your input and I have an acupuncturist that can help with this. I'll share this treatment with them just in case, but I thanks to your input I have the chance to learn!Thanks!
Is it really serious? I have been experiencing similar one-sided symptoms along with the pulse for about a year now, but I think the symptoms are getting worse.Right side of the body being stronger and having robust function (breathing, digestion,...
Actually I am the patient and from the symptoms you have described, I feel somewhat similar [Agitation, tiredness, stress and low back dysfunction (no pain though)] and have been in some stressful situations for a long time- involving my career...
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