Hello, I have mid-cycle spotting/bleeding which is highly unusual for me (can’t remember ever happening before), so I am worried. I have been taking blood-building herbs (Ba Zhen Tang) about 6-8 weeks. Could it be a too high dosage or...
I am currently 43, almost 44 and just had our 3rd consecutive early miscarriage. Two pregnancies resulted this way when I was 41 (on the 2nd pregnancy, we had seen the heartbeat first and everything looked great according to the...
Recently I’ve been having an issue with very large menstrual clots and head hair thinning/falling out (which my research shows might both be a result of blood stasis). I have little menstrual flow aside from when I go to the...
Hello, I had about 8 months of acupuncture and herbs in an effort of achieving pregnancy, which was unsuccessful. However, now I’ve noticed the last few months my head hair seems to be thinning and falling out a lot, and...
In your opinion, would this formula be more yin, more yang, or neutral in that sense? “Schisandra Adrenal Complex” Ingredients: Schisandra Fruit Chinese Yam Rhizome Poria Sclerotium Asian Water Plantain Rhizome Prepared Rehmannia Root Chinese Dodder Seed Asian Plantain Seed...
Hi, after two miscarriages pre-acupunture/herb treatments, then 8 months of acupuncture/herbs with acupuncturist specializing in fertility, I had no more pregnancies. I am now moving on to treatment with an RE. The infertility has no obvious cause (other than possibly...
Hello, After two miscarriages this year (one at 6.5 weeks and one at 9 weeks) for unexplained reasons, we have not been able to get pregnant again, and running out of time (I just turned 42). The pregnancies were natural,...
Hello, my new acupuncturist I started seeing just put me on “follicular phase” herbs. I started them on cycle day 5 and today is cycle day 10. The last several days I haven’t been sleeping well, and last night I...
I had an IUD in for 3-4 months last year, then had it removed because it was causing heavy/long periods, and for wanting a baby. Ever since then (about 10 months) I’ve had clotty menstrual cycles. My OB seems mostly...
Several months ago my chiropractor suggested using liver qi moving and blood stagnation moving herbs for my symptoms with clotty menstrual blood and emotions. After about 2 months of that, I started getting very loose stools especially in the morning,...
Hi, I’ve just suffered a second miscarriage this year. The first was at 6.5 weeks (looked like baby never grew or implanted right). But this time my numbers (HCG and progesterone) looked great and we had seen the baby’s heartbeat...
Hi, I’m advanced age (41 years old) and got pregnant relatively quickly early January, but started bleeding at 6 1/2 weeks. In a scan the doctor couldn’t find a baby/sac. That day my HCG was in the 500s, then started...
Hello, Yes I was diagnosed with kidney, qi and blood deficiency and prescribed custom formulas. But after many months of treatments I could no longer go in to see the practitioner due to time and financial constraints. But I was...
I do now remember being put on a modified You Gui Wan and told it was an important one for me. There were a few others I was put on to help with things like my thinning hair, dark spots...
Hello – weekly acupuncture for close to a year during 2017-2018, was also prescribed custom herbs but don’t remember what they all were. I was just told due to some symptoms I named and whatever else was seen, I had...
Thank you – I was given custom mixed formulas and honestly don’t know exactly what all of the formulas were other than they were geared for what phase of the cycle I was in, and maybe symptoms. I went to...
Thank you. Yes, most of what she did was stimulation to the ovaries during sessions, and “yin” and “yang” herbs depending on the time of the cycle, in order to try and achieve pregnancy. At this point my goal is...
Thanks. Other symptoms are sometimes fatigue in the mornings and afternoons. For a long time I was having loose stools but that’s shown some improvement. Some tinnitus, occasional cold feet/toes. Tongue always has a bit of thick coating, with the...
Hi, I was getting weekly acupuncture from a specialist in fertility, and she was prescribing formulas based on follicular or luteal phase (usually variants of rehmannia 6 for follicular and formulas with more warming effect for luteal phase from what...
Very helpful, thank you!!
Thanks, I think the discouraging part was that with no treatments of any sort (TCM or western) I got pregnant quite easily (within two months each time), though they resulted in miscarriage, but I assumed then with TCM treatment it...
Thank you for the feedback!
Hi - any additional feedback?
Hi - the herbs on now I named above, they change depending on what cycle day I’m on (follicular formula from approx. days 5-14 and luteal from days 15 till period). I mostly sleep well, but have some times I...
We are getting very discouraged… I’m told my fertility blood test numbers above look good for my age, my issues “aren’t that bad”, have been to two different acupuncturists since May of this year (one from May-Aug and the current...
Hi - for herbs, I’ve been given custom formulas for follicular phase and luteal phase. The ones I know were variations of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wen Jing Tang, and Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan. Plus another “follicular formula”...
Thank you – my last miscarriage was in late June, so over 5 months ago.
Thank you! I believe my diagnosis is kidney deficiency (yin and yang) and spleen deficiency. Are these ingredients helpful for yin? She’s going to make me a new formula for the yang phase.
Yes, don’t eat much dairy at all, stopped ice cold drinks and salads, and never eat desserts… which is why it was so perplexing to me it developed and then hasn’t gotten better yet…
Thank you. I am seeing her weekly or every other week for acupuncture, and taking the herbal formula as a tea 3x per day which are formulas (not sure the names) she says she makes based on what she sees...
I also just found out from bloodwork done early in the pregnancy that my TSH was 2.52, which according to the lab is normal but some research I see online says is a bit high.
Thank you – the bottles had just those labels so I asked her and she said it was a formula she prepared of more than one herb, though I’m unsure what formula(s) it was. It’s granuals I make to a...
My fiance does not have children. He has not had the chance until now to have a child so I am trying to help him have a child of his own.I also never expected my ex-husband to leave me at...
Yes, I have children from a previous marriage over a decade ago, so I was younger then. My cycles were long and unpredictable back then so after 6 months of trying after a very early miscarriage (5 weeks) I was...
Thank you very much for the informative reply. It is very helpful. For now I will continue with my acupuncturist and see how things look in a few months. I will also ask my doctor if she suggests bloodwork. To...
Thank you! Yes, the chiro did not check me in person, I only described main symptoms for which she recommending the moving herbs. After 6 weeks of those, I started feeling fatigued and now am so tired in the mornings....
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