TH 17

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TH 17 Acupuncture Point Related Content

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition in which the trigeminal nerve, a nerve that goes from the brain to the face, is affected. In most cases, the nerve is pinched or compressed and causes a shooting facial pain, or even unexplainable sensations in the face in some patients. It often affects only one…

Seasonal allergies affect many people every day and may impact their lives profoundly, from itchy eyes to sneezing, stuffy nose, to swelling of the face and throat in extreme cases. Many people that I know, relatives and friends, are under medical treatment for seasonal allergies and have been tak…

Tinnitus is the perception of ringing and/or sounds in the ear.  The severity can range from mildly annoying to disabling.  It affects over 340 million people worldwide and appears to be increasing for a not entirely clear set of reasons.  Military personnel, factory workers, and others with noise…

There are many treatment methods within Chinese Medicine and acupuncture theories and over time practitioners tend to gravitate towards certain methods more than others based on what they have seen effective for various conditions.  In the following study researchers from the acupuncture and moxibu…

Tinnitus is a common complaint seen by Chinese Medicine practitioners, particularly as many western treatments have poor response rates.  There are cases where structural abnormalities exist and these are difficult to resolve with any method, however, many cases exist without a known etiology.  Wit…

Bell's palsy is a commonly treated condition with acupuncture/Chinese Medicine as most western treatment options do not lead to very consistent results.  As it is generally accepted that acupuncture helps clinically with bell's palsy, researchers now are looking at ways to get the best most efficie…

Peripheral facial paralysis, or Bell's Palsy, is a commonly seen condition by many doctors of both eastern and western persuasions.  The western medical standard of care is often a wait and see approach.  This is very undesirable from a patients perspective for obvious reasons.  Acupuncture has…

Many patients who seek help from Chinese Medicine practitioners are coming for high cholesterol treatment or have already developed related complications. High cholesterol, or hyperlipidemia, is a significant risk factor (along with smoking, high blood pressure, inactivity and obesity) for cardiov…

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