Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes a number of theories which group acupuncture points together based on their functions and/or other relationships. Many of these theories are important in a clinical setting and are used, along with other theory and diagnostic information, to decide which acupuncture points will be used for a given condition.
Below you find information regarding the shokanten points and the nine continent pulses. See our Acupuncture Point Categories section for a complete list of point categories.
For complete information about a single point, click on it within the chart.
Pulse Location |
Division |
Shokanten |
Effected Area |
Upper | Tai Yang | Tai Yang | KD 12 | Sides of the Head |
Middle | TH 21 | Shao Yang | ST 25/KD 21 | Eyes & Ears |
Lower | ST 2 | Yang Ming | ST 27 | Mouth & Teeth |
Upper | LU 9 | Tai Yin | LV 13 | Lungs |
Middle | HT 7 | Shao Yin | KD 16 | Heart |
Lower | LI 4 | Jue Yin | LV 14/KD 19 | Chest |
Upper | LV 3 | Tai Yin | LV 13 | Liver |
Middle | ST 42 | Shao Yin | KD 16 | Spleen |
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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