Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizies a number of theories which group acupuncture points together based on their functions and/or other relationships. Many of these theories are important in a clinical setting and are used, along with other theory and diagnostic information, to decide which acupuncture points will be used for a given condition.
Below you find information regarding the xi cleft points. See our Acupuncture Point Categories section for a complete list of point categories.
For complete information about a single point, click on it within the chart.
Xi Cleft Points Theory and Applications
- The Xi Cleft points, also called the accumulation points, are where the Qi and Blood of a meridian pool. They are primarily at or near the joints of the body.
- In treatment they are used primarily for acute conditions, especially pain, that involve their related organs/channels.
- LU 6 - acute asthma, wind heat
- LI 7 - sore throat, face pain/swelling
- SP 8 - blood stagnation in the uterus a/or lower abdomen
- ST 34 - breast issues, epigastric pain
- HT 6 - heart pain, reckless bleeding due to heat
- SI 6 - severe pain along the SI channel
- KD 5 - menstrual problems due to deficiency a/or blood stagnation
- UB 63 - acute cystitis
- PC 4 - severe chest pain, reckless bleeding due to heat
- TH 7 - not used often clinically
- LV 6 - acute cystitis, blood stagnation in the uterus a/or lower abdomen
- GB 36 - painful obstruction a/or atrophy of the lower limbs
- UB 59 - yang qiao mai, not used often clinically
- KD 8 - yin qiao mai, menstrual irregularities
- KD 9 - yin wei mai, severe and acute mental disorders
- GB 35 - yang wei mai, not used often clinically
Xi Cleft Points Chart