Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition in which the trigeminal nerve, a nerve that goes from the brain to the face, is affected. In most cases, the nerve is pinched or compressed and causes a shooting facial pain, or even unexplainable sensations in the face in some patients. It often affects only one…
Peripheral facial paralysis, or Bell's Palsy, is a commonly seen condition by many doctors of both eastern and western persuasions. The western medical standard of care is often a wait and see approach. This is very undesirable from a patients perspective for obvious reasons. Acupuncture has…
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability in the US and the third leading cause of death. Every year strokes effect 15 million people worldwide with 5 million of those resulting in death. Of the remaining 10 million survivors at least 5 million of those will be disabled to varying degr…
Well, it's that time again. The pollen streams are flowing, and so are your sinuses. As is the case with many acupuncturists, we see a great number of people for seasonal and year round allergies in our clinic. In fact, along with conditions such as pain, anxiety & depression, headaches & …
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