A range of pain related issues when they arise from qi and blood stagnation (both acute and chronic) - pain essentially anywhere in the body, bruises and swelling and other signs of stasis. May often be combined with other formulas which deal more with the root issues. Abdominal masses, fibroids,…
Phlegm obstructions - generally benign masses, lumps, swellings such as lymph nodules, breast cysts, thyroid nodules, goiter, ovarian cysts, fibroids, etc. If used, it may often be combined with deeper formulas for the more systemic underlying pattern.
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao - lower abdominal masses, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis. Fertility issues in both men and women with the right underlying signs - amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular cycles, uterine bleeding. Can be used to dispel ectopic pregnancy. Ulcerative c…
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