Insomnia and palpitations Anxiety, possible difficulty with concentration Irritibility and restlessness Tinnitus
Menopause symtpoms including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, restlessness and anxiety as a result of yin deficiency. Can be used for other yin deficient symtpoms such as tinnitus, dry skin, and lightheadedness.
A combination of jia wei xiao yao wan and gui pi wan - similar effects but with more spleen qi and blood tonification. A range of stress related issues - essentially mixes of stagnation with underlying deficiencies. Potential uses with immune / idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and other …
Derived from the base formula, xiao yao wan, an important formula for liver qi stagnation with herbs added to clear heat. Liver qi stagnation - menstrual issues, painful cycles, irregular cycles, breast distention, PMS, acne. A range of mild to moderate psychological issues arising from liver qi …
Liver qi stagnation with blood deficiency heat - signs of heat, red eyes, possibly anxiety and/or irritability, etc. along with digestive issues such as gastritis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hernia. Lymphedema from stagnation and deficiency. Fibrocystic breasts.
Cramping and/or muscle spasms that are due to fluid deficiency. Frozen shoulder, trigger finger. General tightness or cramps especially along the tendons or ligaments. Restless leg syndrome for patients who present with yin and blood deficiency as the primary cause.
Important formula for liver qi stagnation - manifesting as moodiness, depression, cold in the extremities (particularly hands and/or feet), possibly along with other stress signs - mild headaches, teeth grinding, facial twitching, etc. A range of liver "attacking" the spleen digestive issues, hypo…
Shen related issues when arising from liver blood deficiency - anxiety, insomnia. Menopausal heat contributing to sleep and/or anxiety issues. Palpitations, night sweats, and general dryness.
Headaches, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitis, floaters or blurry vision, insomnia as a result of liver yang rising. Siezures, spasms, convulsions or other types of involuntary muscle activity due to liver wind.
Shao Yang Syndrome (or "lesser yang stage") - alternating fever and chills, hypochondriac pain, irritability, bitter taste in mouth, poor appetite, nausea. Often used for illnesses (chronic or short-term) such as the flu, etc. that have "cleared" but not completely. People will describe not feeli…
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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