Liver Disease

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Liver Disease Is Referenced In 5 Blog Posts

Our body needs to keep a strong balance between helpful antioxidants, such as those found in plant based whole foods diets, and free radicals which have far more potential for damage. The body experiences "oxidative stress" when the balance of antioxidant activity is too low in relation to the acti…

Within Chinese and Western Medicine there are a near infinite number of dietary reocmmendations. Some of these recommendations have strong research backed correlations with improvements in various health factors, and some don't. Within Chinese Medicine is can get even more complicated as recommenda…

Approximately 1 out of every 15 Americans are likely to have sleep apnea.  This amounts to roughly 14 million Americans.  In western countries generally, rates are approximately 2% of women and 4% of men ( 1 ).  Other Asian countries do not have well researched statistics, although what is availab…

Chinese Medicine is widely used for a broad range of physical organ/internal issues.  Many patients however are both not familiar with the options for more serious medical issues.  Additionally, it is at times confusing to patients when your practitioner describes your "liver" as being stagnant or…

As the liver is such an important organ to our overall health and there is such a strong focus within Chinese Medicine on proper diet and lifestyle, keeping the liver healthy is given much emphasis.  There are a host of formulas that have long been shown to benefit various aspects of liver disease.…

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