Acupuncture is used successfully to resolve a wide range of women's health issues. Menstrual issues such as dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) are among those issues that are treated frequently and tend to do quite well with proper treatment. While a bit technical, our acupuncture for dysmenorrhea…
Chinese Medicine is commonly used for a wide range of women's health issues including menstrual irregularities, fertility, hormonal imbalances and issues at menopause. Researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong recently conducted a study evaluating a widely used Chinese Herbal Medicine f…
The acupuncture point LI 4 is one of a handful that also works well as an acupressure point - which makes it useful for home/self-treatment. Researchers in this months Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health conducted a study evaluating this commonly used point for pain in a specific application o…
In the European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology researchers from the Department of Internal Medicine at Kaiserin Elisabeth Hospital in Vienna recently conducted a study observing the effects of acupuncture on endometriosis. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is often us…
Acupuncture is used to regulate a number of women's health issues including the entire range of menstrual abnormalities (cramping/dysmenorrhea, PMS, heavy periods, irregular menstruation, etc.) as well as fertility issues and other associated problems. A meta-analysis recently released from the …
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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