Acupuncture Points On The Large Intestine Meridian

Acupuncture Points Database

Acupuncture Points On The Large Intestine Meridian

Click to view detailed clinical information for any of the points along the large intestine meridian. You will find location information, relationships, clinical applications, precautions and more.

If you are a student, or if you simply want to see all of the point locations and functions in one place, view our largeintestine meridian acupuncture point "flash" cards - study tool section.

LI Point of the Day

Upper Ridge (LI9)li9
  • The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems:
  • SI: LI 8 & ST 39
  • LI: LI 9 & ST 37
  • ST: LI 10 & ST 36
  • Local point for shoulder, elbow, and arm pain.
  • Stagnation in the large intestine - abdominal pain, dark/difficult urination.
  • Numbness of the limbs - particularly the upper limbs, stroke recovery.  

LI Meridian Student/Usage Information
  • Internal/External Pathways
    Up the posterior aspect of the arm
    Enters the lung at the chest
    A branch goes down and connects with the large intestine
    Another branch goes up around the mouth to the other side of the body
  • Measurements Needed
    Axillary Fold -to- Cubital Crease = 9 cun
    Cubital Crease -to- Wrist Crease = 12 cun
    Thumb width = 1 cun
    Four fingers = 3 cun
  • Precautions - [all]
    LI 1 - No Moxa
    LI 4 - No Moxa or Needling in Pregnancy
    LI 13 - AA
    LI 19 - No Moxa
    LI 20 - No Moxa
  • Point Relationships
    Wrist - SI 5 - TH 4 - LI 5 || LU 9 - PC 7 - HT 7
    Elbow Points - SI 8 - TH 10 - LI 11 || LU 5 - PC 3 - HT 3
  • Additional Helpful Information
  • Cun Measurement Reminders:
    (Cun measurements points along the meridian)

    Yin Meridians || Upper Arm || Forearm
    LU 6, 5 || 7, 1.5, 1
    PC 7 || 5, 3, 2
    HT 3 || 1.5, 1, .5

    Yang Meridians || Forearm || Upper Arm
    LI 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 || *1, 3, 7
    TH 2, 3, 5, 7 || *1, 1, mid 11-13, -3 below TH 14
    SI 5 ||

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