LU 9

Acupuncture Point Theory

LU 9 Acupuncture Point Applications and Theory

The acupuncture point "LU 9" , 太淵, is represented by "Tai Yuan" in pinyin and "Great Abyss" in english and may be found:

At the wrist crease on the radial side of the radial artery.

Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:

  • Tonify LU Qi and Yin - cough, asthma, wheezing, SOB, chronic runny nose w/watery discharge.
  • Palpitations.
  • Wrist pain, arm pain along meridian.
  • Hui Meeting Point of the Vessls - circulation issues, clarifying an indescernible pulse (for diagnosis).
  • Main treatment point of Lung Sho pattern (with SP 3) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.

LU 9 has some precautions to be considered (see our precautions list).

Avoid Artery (AA)

Lu 9 has the following theoretical associations which serve as important guideposts in designing an effective treatment protocol:

Explore lu 9 functional groupings theory - Hui Meeting, Shokanten - Nine Continent and/or YuanLuo, or read all point categories and related theory.

A single acupuncture point is not commonly thought of as an empirical way to influence a TCM diagnostic pattern. LU9, however, is a strong candidate to be incorporated into an acupuncture protocol for patients who exhibit: Lung Qi Deficiency and/or Lung Yin Deficiency

LU 9 may potentially be used, in coordination with a well designed acupuncture treatment protocol, to influence the following conditions: Asthma, Cough, Palpitations, Wheezing (Dyspnea) and/or Wrist Pain

While not necessarily valid clinically, HT 7 (Tonify deficiencies of the HT Qi, Blood, Yin and …), LI 5 (Local point for wrist pain. Classically noted wi…) and PC 7 (Cooling heat that is effecting the Heart of a def…) are nearby.

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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