Liver qi stagnation

forum post

Liver qi stagnation

Published on 08-16-2023

"Kbw123" lives in Pakistan and has authored 2 other posts.

Hi dear admin. Your team is working so well on this forum.

Can you please elaborate, what is main point to get rid of liver qi stagnation.

Liv3 is not working well for that. So what else can be used for that considering it master point for liv qi stagnation 




This post has the following associations:

Issues/Symptoms: hemorrhoids

Acupoints: lv 3, sp 6, sp 12, st 36

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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2023

To offer any guidance we would need to know quite a bit more information.  First, are you using the point within an acupuncture or acupressure treatment?  What are you basing the diagnosis of liver qi stagnation on?  And by "not working", what does that mean - no change in the condition, they are worse ...?  Along with that how are you using the point, how often and over what duration?


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comment by "Kbw123"
on Aug 2023

Using accupressure, most of the time this works.

This time feeling extreme right side distention near to liver, and sitting on hard place makes anus burning. 

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2023

To start acupressure is fairly limited and can never be relied upon as a singular treatment option.  Diet and lifestyle are far more important and then of course things like full acupuncture treatments, herbal medicine and western medicine testing and treatment.

So first, liver qi stagnation has little or nothing to do with your physical liver - see "My Liver is What?" for a general introduction.  In short, the term "liver" in Chinese Medicine is much, much broader than just your physical liver.  Many physical liver issue may be more related to stomach/spleen issues (ie digestive issues) rather than liver stagnation which often has a more psycho-emotional component rather than straight digestive/lifestyle.  But this where consulting directly with a practitioner comes in.

A burning feeling at sitting will generally either be hemorrhoids and/or lower back/sacral tension/disc issues.  And noticable right side distention depending on exactly where is far more likely to be a gallbladder issue or constipation (ie sluggish in the turn towards the transverse colon.  So I would look closely at bowel habits and if constipation is an issue try increasing fiber and limiting sugar, etc. and then possibly get your gallbladder looked at from a western medical doctor.

Acupressure wise, something like the following may be helpful for what I'm guessing you have going on.  Do slow circular massage movements along the spleen meridian on both sides of the abdomen and holding the point for 30 seconds or so at SP 12.  Then massage down along the stomach meridian starting below the knee at ST 36 - down the leg through to the end of the channel.  Then hold both SP 6 and LV 3 for about 30 seconds each.  So this would all be done bilaterally, a time or two a day spending just a few minutes each time.


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comment by "Kbw123"
on Aug 2023

V helpful and detailed view.

But I have also noticed gall bladder problem.

On this website, detailed gall bladder disharmonies were given. But now this section has been removed, like liver , stomach etc disharmonies are there, but not for gall bladder. 

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2023

Again a physical organ issue does not necessarily apply to the associated organ term in Chinese Medcine nomenclature.  An example of common patterns and potential treatment points for gallstones, can be found on our "acupuncture for gallstones" page. 

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