Forum Posts

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Below are the 15 most recent forum posts with the most discussion from our 2157 contributing members.

Lung puncture fear
Created 04-19-2024 by "Jenchance44"
I went for an acupuncture treatment yesterday and the acupuncturist forgot to take out a needle in my neck (I believe CV22). Since I felt something in my neck still, I instinctively reached up and touched it, possibly moving it/hitting it when I felt the needle was still in. She then removed it, but now I'm scared that I could have pushed it in deeper when I touched it. Is it possible I could have...
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Jaw pain after first acupuncture session
Created 04-14-2024 by "Jleigh812"
I went for my first acupuncture treatment two weeks ago for ear issues/tinnitus. I received electro acupuncture which was painful for me. The acupuncture points used were in/below my ears. Since the session, my ear issues have improved significantly, however since the treatment I have had a clicking/painful jaw and some swollen lymph nodes in my neck/sore throat. Is this a normal response? Could it be that the treatment was too much for my first...
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Panic Disorder
Created 02-26-2024 by "WillRex"
Hello everyone. This is my first post and I’m looking for help! I am working with my daughter to find help for my 16-year-old granddaughter who has an extreme case of panic disorder. She also has agoraphobia so is virtually homebound. This started during the pandemic (over two years ago) and has steadily gotten worse. She won’t take medication because of the side effects. I’ve read some very encouraging things about using acupuncture and acupressure...
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Points helpful in patients undergoing radiation therapy
Created 11-08-2024 by "ACUHEALTH"
I have a new patirent who is starting radiation for prostate cancer. Are there any points that would be helpful?
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Herbs for mindfulness
Created 01-02-2025 by "CalZone"
I wanted to see what TCM herbs would be suggested for mindfulness? I'm dissociated to the point of it being a problem. I know when I remind myself to be present this helps a lot, specifically by talking out loud. The problem is it causes shortness of breath. I appreciate any help in advance. Thank you.
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AWQ-104L Digital Electro-Acupunctoscope
Created 11-05-2024 by "lhommedieu"
Does anyone have experience using this device?
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Worried about potential injury
Created 12-06-2024 by "ilvk9s"
Hi, I saw a new acupuncturist the other day. She mentioned she hit a blood vessel and I'd have a small bruise. Location is below belly button. When I arrived home I found a needle still in place above belly button. I feel like it may have gone deeper than originally placed. I'm not real sure. I had felt a stinging sensation before discovering, I had thought it was from poking the blood vessel. Now...
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Eucommia bark
Created 04-20-2024 by "Bea"
Hi! I've recently started taking 1/2 table spoon of eucommia bark. I bought a small jar to improve/prevent any joint and muscle damage because of aging, sports/lack of movement, etc. I'm a woman in my late 30s. I have looked for information about eucommia bark online and I haven't found any negative comments. It also supports the liver. I wonder if taking it for several weeks/months is recommended or if it may be damaging in...
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Japanese blend for hallucinations in Lewy Bodies Dementia
Created 06-02-2024 by "Student"
I have successfully been using Yokukansankachimpi (7grams daily-4 tablets 3x daily) to treat the hallucinations associated with Lewy Bodies Dementia since the beginning of February. The blend was effective within 2 days first lessening the horror off the hallucinations, then disappearing then or making them benign. After 3 months, the hallucinations are back. Not in their fury, but enough to interrupt REM sleep. i stopped then for 2 weeks and the horrorific hallucinations returned. i...
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