Submitted By: pejo_mstd
We are a group on a practice journey to Vietnam. To treat aphasia, they use some extra points 1 cun above Ren 23. Do any one know which these points are and how to use them.
Or do you Chad (or anyone else) have any tip on how to treat aphasia?
This post has the following associations:
Acupoints: cv 23, ex taiyang, gv 20, li 4, si 16, si 17
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jun 2008
I am not aware of those points in particular, but there are many systems of acupuncture which use a wide variety of "extra" points. That said, I'm not sure I would focus so much in the area for aphasia. While, CV 23 is a useful point for regaining muscle control of the voice box, etc. - most particularly after a stroke, it is only part of the equation from my perspective.
Aphasia in its medical sense is a brain function problem, not a problem with muscular/nerve voice control per se. There are two areas often involved, the Broca's area (production of speech) and Wernicke's area (interpretation of speech). The problem is almost always on the left hemisphere of the brain - although in a small percentage it will be on the right. These issues can come about from stroke, brain injuries of any kind, alzheimer's, parkinson's, etc.
For conditions of this nature we generally combine strong tuina in certain areas (before and after needling) along with needling. The points would be chosen based on their general pattern (via TCM diagnosis or other methods) and we add the huatuo of C2, SI 16, Tai Yang, SI 17, LI 4, all on the left side (or whichever side C2 and SI 16 are most sensitive on - again in almost all cases this will be the left), and GV 20. You may also add traditional points such as CV 23, and then ashi points (ouch points) at or near the involved brain areas.
Basically the thinking is as follows: If you have a brain function problem, needling at the end of the circuit (i.e. CV 23 in this case) may not be strong enough to heal the original dysfunction. Without healing the "root" you will have shorter lasting results (at least in our opinion). So massaging and needling the SI 16/SI 17 area (sky window area) will improve the circulation to the brain, thus allowing the brain to heal, you also then work on the nervous system (C2 area and others) to make sure the communication is correct, and then finally perhaps some work locally (CV 23, etc.) for the function. This way the entire functional loop is treated.
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comment by "pejo_mstd"
on Jun 2008
### Peter Johansson
Thanks Chad.
Interesting answer.
Actually, they are not using only these points. But they seam to use similar treatment according to the area. For the aphasia they also add Du 15, Ren 24 and Ren 22, and also the points I mentioned.
In other injuries, like neck degeneration and herniated lumbar diska they often use the Jiaji points.
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