I have a patient that is coming for bone spur in the heel area and golfers elbow.
I cann’t find much useful information as treatment.
should I surround the bone spur and try electrostem?
Would treatment for golfers elbow will be similar to tennis elbow?
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Acupoints: li 4, si 16, st 12, th 5
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comment by "pejo_mstd"
on Oct 2008
### Peter Johansson
Hi. Why is that you can not find much useful information? Have you asked enough?
As I see it, The heel is on the Bladder meridian more or less, The elbow on the Small Intestine meridian. Can it be a connection with Du Mai. Can you see other symptoms, like stiff back.
I also read somewhere yesterday that heel problems can be of Liver deficiency, can you see any other signs related to the Liver?
Just some other thoughts I have had befor, which is realted in different dividin of the body in 6 Yao's. One is from feet to head, with 1st at the feet. another is from the pelvis to the head with 1st at pelvis, there is also on the feet with 1st at the heel. Using this, you can use the feet to correspond to other yaos on the body, From this I would ask around problems around the pelvis. Like prostate problems in men, uterus problems in women. This would also imply Liver problems, specially in women since Liver is a lot involved in gynechological problems.
Just some thoughts
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comment by "daveh"
on Nov 2008
Hello, in response to the bone spur, my very broad minded chiropractor explained the structural dynamics of the skeletal system, and as such I used orthotic inserts in my shoes to realign the ankle and knee. the result has been very positive and I have no more pain or discomfort at all. I suspect my heel spur was the result of an ACL reconstruction back in 2000, the initial pain was evident in 2005, I do not recall the brand of orthotic that I am using, but they are very durable and I still use them in my work shoes only. In retrospect my inner arch had also dropped and I suspect this may also have contributed. Daveh, student of kinesiology. College of Complimentary Medicine, Melbourne.
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Nov 2008
Yes golfers elbow and tennis elbow are generally very similar treatments with the only modifications being the use of "ashi" or "ouch" points changing based on the patient. For tendonitis in the elbow we use generally use the huatuo of T1, ST 12, SI 16, TH 5, LI 4, and then add needles for the areas of discomfort ("ashi") and, perhaps, for the overall constitutional pattern.
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Nov 2008
Before I answer your question, I would like to offer an opinion on needling which may or may not be helpful for you in particular, but I offer it nonetheless. I strongly feel that very few patients are all that sensitive, they may just be scared to some degree and if there is discomfort the practitioners technique is usually largely at fault - and unfortunately discomfort to the patient elicites more fear. While I'm not a proponent of deep needling in any fashion, you do need to treat the patient correctly and needling particularly for certain conditions like spurs, etc. in hard caloused areas like the heel will usually require more than superficial techniques. Furthermore, as the body has the strongest sensations at superficial levels, a habit of needling shallowly may be making your patients feel more and causing them more discomfort than deeper needling with proper techniques. If the patient has a problem with the needles, try inserting them with the insertion tube first and see if they feel better. Generally people should feel very little, or nothing, with decent technique and when that is the case their "sensitivity" diminishes greatly.
There are many treatments for bone spurs, so you may get many opinions on this which will be interesting. What we do is to work on the "cause" of bone spurs (in our system it is excess calcium and or poorly functioning para-thyroid) and then do local needling along with needling based on the persons overall pattern. Our main points are the huatuo of C7 and T1 (C7 to regulate the parathyroid - as it regulates calcium absorption, and T1 for bone problems anywhere in the body), C1, GV 20, then the "ashi" points. For heel spurs I usually use a collection of points on the lower bladder meridian (calf and foot) and then local "ashi" points. I rarely use electro-acupuncture or other mechanisms, but sometimes use external herbal plasters or some internal herbs depending on the case. This depend greatly on the person, but Jin Gu Die Shang Wan and/or Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Wan seems to be useful in most cases. Additionally, yin deficiency of some nature is usually involved so points to build the yin and yin tonifying herbs may also be useful depending on the patient.
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comment by "masseur"
on Nov 2008
Check area behind ankle joint,you possibly find senstive point arond,deep massage and intensive needles,then patient's heel pain will be less and dispear....Good luck!
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comment by "mfedder"
on Mar 2012
I am currently treating a patient who is suffering from bone spurs on both knees. He is a 34 y.o. male, mixed martial arts professional. He owns a studio and trains every day, so no likelihood of reducing overuse of the joint. He started training at 14 years of age and the spurs began to develop at 16 years of age. Right knee worse than left (he is right-handed). He has received a diagnosis of Osgood Schlatter disease from his western medical practitioner.
I have received some advice to use low intensity E-stim (2mhz). I like the idea of external herbal plasters. Do you suggest any particular formulas? Very likely some form of kidney deficiency with the constant hard-core training.
Thanks for your kind feedback.
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comment by "archived-user"
on Mar 2012
For bone spur, use some external patches, example: Hua Tuo Feng Shi Gao(华陀风湿膏) or Shang Shi Zhi Tong Gao(伤湿止痛膏), etc.. The Martial Arts joints injury most is not kidney problem, it may Qi and blood stagnation cause pain. Use herbal wine of "Die Da Jiu"(跌打酒) for massage or formula of "Shang Yao"(伤药) or "Qi Li San"(七厘散) for internal take.
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comment by "leonaharter"
on Oct 2012
Besides using the appropriate acupuncture points, I use direct moxa over the spur itself and send the patient home with a moxa stick to use between treatments. I have the patient use the moxa stick daily for approximately 15 minutes over the bone spur. During each treatment, I use the direct moxa, starting out with a low number like 5 moxa cones and adding more each session. My patients get really good results from using the moxa. Of course, I give very explicit written and verbal directions on how to use the moxa stick for safety sake.
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