Central Diabetes Insipidus. DI

forum post

Central Diabetes Insipidus. DI

Published on 04-06-2016

"anon37663" - this is their first post.

Hi there,

Request to share acupressure points to work on for treating Central Diabetes Insipidus. DI - its a extremely rare condition where your hypothalamus is not producing anti diuretic hormone or pituitary is failing to distribute it.

Allopathy has no cure only a replacement therapy.

Look forward to your suggestions

This post has the following associations:

Acupoints: cv 4, kd 3

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

You cannot treat something this complicated with acupressure. So to get proper help you should find and work with a fully trained Chinese Medicine doctor in your area who practices both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

In the absence of proper acupuncture treatment, acupressure at KD 3 would help support the kidneys. Moxibustion at KD 3 and CV 4 would likely be better than acupressure which, again, is far too limited for conditions of this nature.

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comment by "anon37663"
on Apr 2016

Thanks a ton for your time and suggestion. Will follow suit.


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