Published on 03-05-2013
"cksharma68" - this is their first post.
I have tried several standard protocols for type-2 diabetes, however none of them are giving any result. I know acupuncture/acupressure can treat type-2 diabetes in intial stages. Can you guide me how to select the points for acupressure for type-2 diabetes and what should be duration and frequency of treatment.
CK Sharma
This post has the following associations:
Issues/Symptoms: diabetes type ii
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2013
First, please use the search function of our site before asking questions. A search for "acupuncture for diabetes" would have turned up our acupuncture for diabetes treatment page among other pages (such as our treatments for diabetes page). Acupressure, however, is generally not broad or deep enough in its affects to treat type II diabetes. You should refer this person to a fully trained acupuncturist who can provide proper complete treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Diabetes can become quite serious and is not a condition that you want to partially treat.
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comment by "anon237023"
on Mar 2013
The question should be someone has been diagnosed with this TCM pattern as well as just diabetes. It often involves the Lu, Sp and Kid but you need to figure out if this is the case for your patient and which is predominant then you can start thinking points!
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comment by "anon109564"
on Mar 2013
<div>Accupuncture alone can cure </div>
<div>Mishra's Acupressure speaks: Type two Diabetes:
Date value mg%
Jan 18 --- 216%
Feb7 --- 239% --Treatment with diet regulation started
Feb23 --- 152%
March11 -- 109%
Treatment: LU8 and LU7 both tone P5 sedate both sides, K7, K5 both tone SP5 sedate left side (male Pt. water side) Liv2 sedate LU5 tone (botht sides) treated by chakra magnets (you can use needle 45 minutes because yin takes longer to travel). UB17, UB13 sedate both sides . Add K6, UB23, GV4 (water side e.g. left for for male) </div>
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<div>In fact you ought to distinguish between Upper and Lower variety diabetes for better protocol! In the above case it was upper variety diabetes case. This will help more to upper variety diabetes.</div>
For lower variety one has to use Kidney horizontal meridian instead of Lungs horizontal meridian. The method will be same - tone dryness and cold of Kidney.
Hope I am clear if not feel free to ask questios.
<div> </div>
This treatment is supposed to control and cure the root cause of diabetes - Sorrow and/or fear!
<div> </div>
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comment by "kupy"
on May 2013
In my practice I use this type of DD for DM.
DM can be in 3 symptom forms.
1. Thirst, patient drink a lot of water - this type is upper burner dissorder.
2. Hunger, patient eats a lot and all time - this type is middle burner dissorder.
3. Urination, patient urinate a lot amounts - this type is lower burner dissorder.
usually I make a diagnosis at the first meeting and usually it at least 2 burners problem. I use acupuncture only, but is lot of herbal therapy can be used.
during the session of 10 meetings usually I get down sugar levels to less then 170 (most of patients came with peripheral sugar about 280-350). HBA1C gets down from 8-9 to 6-7 at 3 month. I start with 2 meetings per week for 4 weeks and the 1 per week.
Very important is to regulate diet, weight.
I didn't static evaluations but its looks like 70% is going well with this thinking.
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comment by "anon109564"
on May 2013
Dear kupy,
u r right!
I shall recommend the use of horizontal Biji Meridians for upper and lower varieties of DM type II with sedation of LU9 (dryness of Pancreas) and tonification of H7 (heat of pancreas).
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comment by "kupy"
on May 2013
Hi K K Mishra!
Can you explain about horizontal biji?
I use vertical, but I can't find explanation about horizontal.
Thank you!
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comment by "anon109564"
on May 2013
Dear Kupy,
1. Did u know when current flows in a wire a magnetic field is created arround it (in perpendicular plane - Flaiming's left / right hand rule)
2, The fact that electricity is generated in secodary coil as a response (YIN is a responsive force) whenever there is a change in current flow in the primary coil
3. All jingwell points can treat liver patterns, spring points can treat heart patterns etc
The horizontal meridians are made by joining the shu points horizontally! They carry predominantly yin energy and therefore can treat sis / cold conditions!
Difference being "energy at Liv1 induces energy flow at HT9 and PC9 in the same direction - the horizontal direction - perpendicular to vertical meridians" etc. etc. . . .
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comment by "Fenfuro2"
on Nov 2015
is an alternative treatment to cure various diseases. There are hundreds of acupressure points in our body. By Putting physical pressure on the right acupressure points, one can not only relieve the stress and tension but can also get rid of various diseases including the rampant diabetes.
Acupressure is helpful for both the per-diabetics and the diabetics. Acupressure along with healthy diet and herbal diabetes management medicines can help.
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