Published on 04-08-2018
"anon193840" has authored 1 other post.
how to treat mentally unstable person through acupuncture
This post has the following associations:
Issues/Symptoms: anxiety, depression
Patterns: kidney jing deficiency
Acupoints: ex huatuojiaji, ex sishencong, gb 20, gv 20, kd 3, kd 7, st 36, ub 23
Formulas: pearl powder
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2018
Well first you would have to clarify what you mean by “mentally unstable” and then second you have to more deeply understand the treatment process in Chinese Medicine. Essentially you do not treat conditions in Chinese Medicine, but rather diagnostic patterns - for more see “treating the cause and not the symptoms”.
For general diagnostic information and basic treatment protocols for some of the more common psychiatric conditions you can read our anxiety treatment page, particularly our acupuncture protocols for anxiety, or our depression treatment page, particularly our acupuncture protocols for depression page.
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comment by "anon193840"
on Apr 2018
That person is 9 year old child. Week muscle can’t stand on chair, for this he need support. He can’t study. Jst now started his own day to day work.
I am confused if I treat brain dryness sedation den for muscles tuneup what should I do
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2018
You should consult directly with an experienced practitioner locally if possible. Generally speaking this very likely falls under kidney jing deficiency and is treatable with acupuncture, moxibustion, and possibly herbal medicine as well.
A general treatment (not intended to be replicated without knowing why exactly you are using each point and confirming the correct underlying diagnosis), might be something along the lines of:
Then daily moxibustion at ST 36, KD 3 and UB 23 - possibly GV 20 if possible.
Herbal wise there are many possibilities, but the most basic would be pearl powder.
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