Inquiry re Brain Care + Appreciation !!!

forum post

Inquiry re Brain Care + Appreciation !!!

Published on 08-16-2018

"Faith022696" has authored 7 other posts.

Dears, 'Very Pleased to discover you - yet from a distance . 'having “searched” regarding the specific topic of acupressure points for cranial inflammation - In this question format, I write to broaden the topic for brain health - do you recommend or have insight re the adaptogen siberian eleuthero , and/or gingko biloba which is broadly recommended for prevention of dementia or alzheimers ?
additionally, ?: herbal formulas / and, do you have “friend” practitioners in the area of long beach california/ cerritos california , with whom you are well familiar and whom you totally respect and trust as high qualiity?
Thank You, Sincerely - I do look forward to further studying your postings; and hope to receive soon your response - your consideration , time , and Your Presence is much appreciated

This post has the following associations:

Formulas: bu yang huan wu wan, liu wei di huang wan

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2018

Acupressure is quite limited compared to what you can accomplish with proper acupuncture treatments. While we don’t provide recommendations via our site, you are in an area with a tremendous number of practitioners - so any one of those that practices the full gamut of Chinese Medicine - acupuncture, herbal medicine, and, ideally, tuina (medical massage) should be fine.

As for a general idea of some things which can improve the circulation in the brain - that is large part of our system as we approach not just issues such as stroke or dementia but also MS, Parkinson’s, etc.
While not completely related to your question, some of our discussion of the window of the sky points as we use them you can find in my article “Autism Treatments - Brain Inflammation and the Role of Sky Window Acupuncture Points from the Tam Healing System”. And while we often do needle many of these points, we most consistently use them with tuina/acupressure.

As for herbal formulas, these are generally very tailored to the individual but at their base level you have formulas from a category such as “invigorate the blood and dispel stasis” such as Bu Yang Huan Wu Wan which has potential applications post-stroke along with other traumas and then approaches from, for example, the “tonify the yin” category such as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan which come from a nourishment/adaptogenic/longevity related perspective.

What is right for the individual depends greatly on their diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms - see “treating the cause vs. the symptoms” and “how to choose a formula” for more on that.

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comment by "Faith022696"
on Aug 2018

Dear Chad Dupuis , Good Morning and Thank You Very Much - You have been most generous with your response , and receiving your conscientious expertise guidance initiating this weekend is truly welcome and appreciated.
… ’ now to study further your references !

Best Regards and Best Wishes, to You and to Yours , lives and purposes ,


('certainly do wish to be in your vicinity - truth be told , I have searched and interviewed many practitioners in southern and northern california - none thus far to equal or approximate your clarity and thorough knowledge - - - none in whom I’d trust my care - sounds extreme, but from experience with the most-respected/experienced practitioner in northern california)

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comment by "Faith022696"
on Aug 2018

Dear Chad DuPuis, Warm Greetings - !
'writing as a p s to a question i posted this weekend - 'unsure whether it will be possible to relocate that access option - and with apologies if this email is an intrusion - - -

this question may relate to that of Friday - - 'what could be the cause (and the meridian) of peculiar puffiness of upper arms adjacent to the elbow ? lymph nodes, or a more broad meridian-related cause , and possible treatment ?

with Continuing High Respect and Regard, IN APPRECIATION,



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