Multiple Sclerosis and Heat Intolerance

forum post

Multiple Sclerosis and Heat Intolerance

Published on 04-06-2016

"anon47863" - this is their first post.

My husband has Multiple Sclerosis and a severe heat intolerance. He is currently taking Long Dan Xie Gan Wan is there something else that would work better or in conjunction with it?

This post has the following associations:

Patterns: kidney yin deficiency

Formulas: long dan xie gan wan

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

Who prescribed him long dan xie gan wan and what does that practitioner think?

What might work better would the formula that is the best fit for his diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms. Our acupuncture for multiple sclerosis page has some of the possible underlying diagnoses.

While not exclusively the case, many MS patients fall more into a kidney yin deficiency pattern (in fact many autoimmune conditions fall into this pattern as well). You can have heat intolerance both from what we call excess heat or full heat in Chinese Medicine terms as well as yin deficiency or empty heat. If he is more yin deficient, then a formula like long dan xie gan wan would be almost the polar opposite of how you would approach resolving that imbalance.

So the best person to ask is the practitioner that is most familiar with your husband, his history, current issues and his diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms.

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comment by "anon47863"
on Apr 2016

Good Day Chad,

The doctor that my husband sees basically prescribes the long dan xie gan
all his patients who have heat intolerance. My husband does not sweat so
he is thinking that maybe there is something that will work better than the
long dan xie gan wan

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comment by "anon47863"
on Apr 2016

Good Day Chad,

The doctor that my husband sees basically prescribes the long dan xie gan
wan for all his patients who have heat intolerance. My husband does not sweat so
he is thinking that maybe there is something that will work better than the
long dan xie gan wan

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

I can’t really judge your current practitioner from the little bit I can gleen from an internet forum conversation, but you can’t treat symptoms in Chinese Medicine. It is all or nothing for the most part. So like I said in my previous response you need the formula or set of formulas that is best suited to your husband as an individual. If your current practitioner puts large numbers of patients on the same formula based on a subset of their symptoms you most likely need a different practitioner - that is not how Chinese Medicine works unfortunately. Further, MS is very commonly treated and with the right practitioner and a well tailored approach patients can do extremely well, so it will be worth your effort to perhaps try a different practitioner.

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comment by "anon47863"
on Apr 2016

May I ask one more question? What would be the cause for not sweating? We
are under the impression that the type of heat intolerance he has is fire
not damp since he does not sweat. Is this correct?

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comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

Not sweating is most often a sign of chronic yin deficiency. The sweat is derived from the blood and yin. Therefore when the yin is deficient the sweat is difficult or absent.

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comment by "anon47863"
on Apr 2016


Thank you so much, can you tell me if it is kidney or liver heat?

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comment by "anon47863"
on Apr 2016

Good Afternoon Stephen,

My husband is looking for another practitioner would you be able to help us locate one? Or if we find one for him could assist them with information regarding heat and MS?


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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

Only your practitioner would know the answer for that. It would be hard to tell from what we can gleen from an online conversation. Generally both systems are involved on some level - but liver heat does not equal kidney yin deficiency or deficient heat. They are too very separate diagnoses.

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