Please advise on excessive gassiness

forum post

Please advise on excessive gassiness

Published on 11-02-2013

"anon170843" has authored 3 other posts.

I have so much gas and it is barely controllable now. It is loud and constant. However, it barely has an odor. I drink plenty of water, eat veggies and fruit. In the mornings, I usually drink a smoothie made of oat milk, orange juice, raw egg and maybe a slice of bacon. I have all but eliminated gluten from my diet along with wheat. If I eat lunch I usually do not have dinner but at either one I have a large, organic salad with either chicken or fish. No fast food at all. No diary and almost entirely organic. I am now doing intense workouts building muscle and also run and walk for at least 30 minutes three times per week if not more. I am 66.

I am also trying to maintain a 1500 calorie daily diet. I weigh 136 lbs and am 5'4".

This problem has been building intensity for a while now, over three years and out of all the things I've tried, the only improvement is now it is almost odorless. I've even had a colon cleanse because my digestive system was so slow I would not poop for up to a week or more. Now with regular workouts that is much improved and I go two or three times a week.

I just want to get rid of the gas.

Below are the most recent, view all here.

  • Palpitations - 12-31-2021
  • Palpitations and Stomach Aorta - 12-31-2021
  • Indigestion - 12-31-2021
  • Comments / Discussions:

    comment by "anon71867"
    on Nov 2013

    Here are a couple of things you can try:

    Massage the belly - up on the right, across at the waist, and down on the left. This is the path of the Large Intestine. It can help things move. You should really be moving your bowels a minimuum of daily, and after every meal is even better.

    There&#39s a good exercise to restore the rhythm of the Ileoceocal and Houston Valves. The former connects the small to the large intestine. The latter is where the large intestine connects with the recturm, which goes down at an angle to the anus. Bend your knees slightly. Masage deeply from the base of the pelvic bone at the corners of the pubic bone up to the waist, following the line of the pelvic bone. Repeat 3 times. Then use your thumbs to trace down once from the waist to the pubic bone.

    Massage the neurolymphatic reflex points. For small intestine they are on the inside of the legs between the knees and the groin. For the large intestine, on the outside of the leg from the outside of the knee to the hip. Go as deep as you can. The area will probably be tender at first. If you keep at it the tenderness will dissipate over time.

    Hold your hands extended out in front of you, palms facing down. Flip them quickly to an "open" position, palms up thumbs pointing out to the sides. Repeat 5-10 times. (For diarrhea you do it the opposite way.)

    Massage deeply the V where the bone of the index finger meets the bone of the thumb.

    Do these exercises at least once daily.

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    comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
    on Nov 2013

    This is in no way to express a judgement on your current practitioner, but I would personally see someone else if you are not getting results. While many practitioner express things to patients just to simplify what we do, there is no possible way for someone to treat one symptom in Chinese Medicine when properly used. In other words, you cannot separate out the anxiety and then work on the digestion later, you have to do it all at once. That is, in fact, the basis and the strength of Chinese Medicine - it&#39s systemic approach.

    Your issues are things that should at least move towards much better function in a matter of weeks to months when properly treated. Sometimes just a different set of eyes and techniques does wonders.

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    comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
    on Nov 2013

    You should consult with a practitioner of Chinese Medicine locally, ideally one who also practices Chinese Herbal Medicine. When you say " I would not poop for up to a week or more. Now with regular workouts that is much improved and I go two or three times a week." -- That is not improved enough by any stretch and this congestion and sluggishness in the bowels is likely part of a deeper problem which is why dietary modifications haven&#39t made as much of a difference as you would like.

    Chinese Medicine treats more broadly and systemically than most forms of medicine and these types of issues are very commonly addressed within it&#39s framework.

    Generally from your description, I would also say to limit your intake of cold and raw foods (juices, salads, etc.) and definitely limit dairy and gluten (gluten at least for awhile). But a practitioner who can look at your related health issues and properly diagnose will be able to guide you much more directly.

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    comment by "gwilliams"
    on Nov 2013

    Hello, when you described your gas and lack of odor, I first thought that this may be due to cold condition. Then whn you described your very healthy diet, I also thought your diet is on the "cold" side (smoothies, raw veggies, salads...). Too much cold food is not good for digestion. I suggest you switch to room temperature or warm drinks and steamed vegetables. It not always what you eat. Foods have properties that we need to be aware of. Here is a an article I wrote that I think will help in this case:


    Nutrition and Wellness: It is not just about what you eat

    Did you know that the nature or properties of the foods you eat, how you eat and your frame of mind, affects nutritional intake and ultimate wellness?

    The stomach and spleen are paired in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and together this system, along with the lung/large intestine system, provides the life-giving energy the body needs to feed and protect itself. Many imbalances and health issues according to TCM diagnosis, start with stomach/spleen issues. Western medical practitioners and naturopaths also believe many problems related to health, such as inflammation, allergies and autoimmune disorders, start with digestive problems.

    According to TCM, the stomach and spleen are responsible for transformation and transportation of nutrients and fluids. The stomach likes dampness, warm temperatures and is affected by emotions. The stomach and spleen dominate muscle strength, control blood and transform dampness. Examples of symptoms related to issues with the spleen and stomach show up as pale colouring to the mouth/lips, yellowing of complexion, fatigue, diarrhea, easy bruising, prolapses, varicose veins, edema, nausea, digestive issues (bloating, gas, pain), lack of taste, heavy limbs and prolonged menstruation or bleeding.

    The nature of the food is important. Overly spicy food or dry food can aggravate the stomach causing “heat” or “yin deficiency” problems. Cold or raw foods can cause stagnation with bloating, gas, flatulence or pain. If you already have a “cold” imbalance then it is OK to eat spicy foods. If you already have a “heat” imbalance then cold and raw is OK. The situation is different for every person. If you find you are ravenous for food at certain times of the day, chances are you have stomach heat. Food consisting of a warm, moist, neutral balance is best.

    In terms of how you eat, it is important to chew well and eat meals at regular times. Don’t over-indulge, eat too fast, nibble, read while eating, eat too late at night, think about work, worry, or be sad or angry while eating. Emotional strain is a detriment to good digestion. A positive frame of mind is best. In particular, worry, over thinking and over analysing, even when not eating, can affect digestion over a long period of time and can lead to chronic deficiencies.

    So my advice is: be mindful of your eating habits, maintain a balance of temperature and moisture, chew well, eat on a regular schedule and most of all, be happy when eating!

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    comment by "ethalfrida" (general)
    on Nov 2013

    Thank you all so much.

    Judith Poole, I am going to try your massages and exercise.

    G. Williams, Yes, I do eat a lot of dry foods but rarely eat spicy dishes. I also chew well, something I strted after the gassiness became so constant. I also try to eat before 6:30 PM if I am eating dinner. One thing though, emotions do rule my life so I try to go to bed early, work off stress by running and working out and some form of meditation. Looks like the raw foods are a no-no then. Too bad, I really love salads. I am willing to make adjustments in order to get relief and cut the embarassment. Further, I have been struggling to eat 1500 calories a day. It is hard to do when everything you eat is low in calories. Sometimes I barely get in 1000.

    Chad Dupuis, I see a practitioner every other week, usually on the same day and at the same time. Once he created a herbal solution that worked really well. I got much relief but he is reluctant to continue me on it regularly. He is treating me for anxiety and palpitations.

    Not even after Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner would there be any movement for up to two weeks. That is why I went to a nutritionist/practitioner to do a colon cleanse. However, the sluggishness didn&#39t just start with the gas. This has been a condition all my life.

    I am glad all of you are giving me options other than just prescribing a formula although I am to the point where relief, no matter how immediate it is, would be welcome.

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    comment by "Csizmasbianka"
    on Nov 2013

    I recommend that you try food therapy, especially if the practitioner that you visit does not seem to be helping with the gasiness. To me, this sounds like a vacuity of the stomach/spleen meridian as gwilliams has already said. These organs can easily be replenished in a matter of a few months (generally 2-3 months) with lasting results. I experiment on myself and friends and family with food therapy, and for such a simple thing it works wonders.

    The Chinese have observed that each yin and yang organ in the body has two hours during the day in which it is at its peak condition. The stomach is at its optimal time between 7am and 9am, and its yin pair the spleen is at its optimum between 9am and 11 am. This means that we should focus on replenishing the spleen and stomach around 9am. I highly recommend eating a warm cooked millet porridge for breakfast with honey. You can choose between oat milk, almond milk, rice milk and soy milk to cook the porridge in. It is not recommended that you use cow, sheep or goat milk, because these create phlegm in the body and they burden the spleen and stomach further. Also stay away from pork, pork products(ie: bacon), duck, dairy, raw foods and bananas in the morning, as these also create phlegm. I also recommend that you drink a warm drink with or before your porridge to optimise and help the digestive function of your stomach. A fennel seed, ginger and green tea blend works brilliantly, and also nourishes both the spleen and stomach and should help reduce gasiness.

    For lunch, any food is fine, but you should focus on eating warm cooked veggies, cooked meats and grains (such as pasta). Red wine in moderation is okay at lunchtime as it helps the digestive function of the stomach and nourishes heart blood vacuity which is sometimes associated with mood swings and general moodiness, depression, etc.

    Dinner should be a smaller meal and should focus on regenerating the kidney network (between 5pm and 7pm). Pork and duck at this time is excellent, as are salads and raw fruits. Dairy is also acceptable to eat.

    There are no foods that you cannot eat, you just need to learn the times at which they are most beneficial to consume. This way you can enjoy eating anything and nourish your organs at the same time. Thus, you can be healthy without living on herbal remedies 24/7.

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    comment by "ethalfrida" (general)
    on Dec 2013

    Good morning.

    I have incorporated your suggestions in my daily routine and have to say there have been days when I received much relief. Following the food therapy by Bianka_cs, I actually enjoy the porridge and the cooked foods for the two other meals. It takes a bit of planning since I work daily but it is manageable.

    However, one day I&#39d run out of the organic millet and used oatmeal instead. The gas build up was huge and uncontrollable. Before then, there were a couple of days when there was no gas at all. But there haven&#39t been any "free" days like that recently and I am back to afternoon buildup.

    I will continue as noted that this is a 2-4 month process and I believe along with the massages and being mindful of what and how I eat is going to work well.

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