Published on 06-03-2010
"archived-user" has authored 334 other posts.
Submitted By: gloriacap
Does anyone know what sort of protocol to do on oneself for pre and post heart surgery? This is for an ascending aortic aneurysm. Outside of building the body and reducing stress, any suggestions, including auricular? Thank you in advance.
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jun 2010
Acupressure wise for a lay person the best you could do would be HT 7. This both helps to eliminate stress internally and balances the heart meridian system as well. Before the surgery I would recommend doing some meditation if you are already versed in how to do so. At least for a few days before and especially before you go in visualize the surgery going well, you healing well, and everything being good afterwards. This has been shown in studies to make the tissues softer, speed recovery time, etc.
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