Regarding milk alternatives

forum post

Regarding milk alternatives

Published on 11-18-2011

"I_Danne" has authored 17 other posts.

Hello...I am wondering which milk alternative is least likely to cause or aggravate dampness. Rice milk, Hemp seed milk or Soybean milk? (These are the three that are readily available for me to purchase). I often use coconut milk for baking but would rather not have it in cereals, tea etc. as it has a rich texture. Thanks kindly.

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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Nov 2011

They are not the same at all from a Chinese dietary perspective... What aggravates dampness, your original issue, is sugar, cold/raw foods, greasy/fatty foods, and poor eating habits (too late, too fast, etc.). Rice milk is still cold/raw... whereas congee with the entire grain is warming and strengthening particularly when you make them with herbs and other healthy additions. There is no mention of milk because milk is a somewhat western thing brought on by heavy profits and subsidization of the dairy industry - it&#39s quite simply not a common drink in other places. Rice milks simply being a largely western marketed alternative to something that we know isn&#39t healthy for us... and as it turns out the alternative isn&#39t much better. It&#39s much better to stick with food....

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comment by "I_Danne"
on Nov 2011

Oh, just wanted to add that I was making my own milks (mostly amaranth - high in protein) but find now that it is far too time and mess consuming for my present lifestyle. I know making my own is perhaps far healthier.

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comment by "archived-user"
on Nov 2011

Rice milk is least to cause dampness, because in TCM, rice can tonify spleen help digest food, spleen is the organ to move the body&#39s waterly thing and dampness. Rice soup also use in the formul "gui zhi tang" to help spleen stomach absorb the herb ingredient.

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comment by "I_Danne"
on Nov 2011

Good to hear, thanks. : ) While there seems to be a lot of information on congee in Chinese texts, there isn&#39t any mention of rice milk, although I suppose it is practically the same.

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comment by "I_Danne"
on Nov 2011

So, Chad, you would suggest then, nothing to replace dairy? They all trigger dampness? Even with just a little in tea/beverages? And what about baking? (I am prone to damp heat) ..although I do not eat raw foods very often.

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comment by "anon164527"
on Nov 2011

I too stay away from dairy and only use a little almond milk (unsweetened). I also have recommended this to clients who just want to have a little milk in coffee/tea/cereal. I do think it is less dampening than soy or rice.

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comment by "I_Danne"
on Nov 2011

Hi Lorinda...I do not think I have tried has a bit of it&#39s own natural sweetness so I can see it being quite nice with tea.

I also wanted to share, and again this is just my own experience, I find warmed hemp milk (homemade) with anise helps with constipation and hard stools.

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comment by "Kristen"
on Apr 2012

I have avoided dairy for years. When I look at the "bigger picture" of dairy in general, there are just too many negatives to consuming dairy across the board. I think something to mention here is a slight shift of mindset - food is our fuel, like gasoline to a car - It&#39s what makes us run. When we choose to consume a product, we need to ask "How does this food benefit me? What nutrients does it provide that makes me function better down to my cells?" If you cannot answer that - you need to put that product aside :) The *purpose* of consuming food is not: because it tastes delicious, entertainment, or convienience.

If we are truly concerned for our level of health... we will break free of excuses (example- " I just like to have a little in my coffee" or "I had to work late"), avoid processed foods (cereals, anything that comes in a container, box, or wrapper), high calorie carbs (example - baked goods), stick to fresh vegetables / legumes / beans, and so forth.... and finally, keep our focus on alkaline food choices!

My speciality in practice is Food Sensitivities / Nutrition, and if I had to suggest an alternative product, I would choose Almond Milk as well, especially if it was homemade. If I remember right, there&#39s a good recipe in the book "Rawlicious"

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comment by "Elineki"
on Apr 2012

Thank you!

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comment by "Elineki"
on Apr 2012

What about cheese? avoid all together too? Even goats/sheep?

Regards, Eline

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comment by "Kristen"
on Apr 2012

Well, cheese is categorized as a "dairy" so i would say so yes. When I use the term dairy , I mean: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt (made from cow&#39s and sheep&#39s milk), ice cream, and so forth.

when i do a food sensitvity test, i seperate the items into: cow&#39s milk, sheep milk, and goat milk. they are actually three seperate items, but if you have issues with dairy, i would eliminate as much as possible and include the others. I hope that helps.

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comment by "anon237023"
on Mar 2013

What do you want the milk for?

In porridge you can just use water, you already say in baking you use cocnut. In tea...drink it black or green or rooibos or herbal. On cereal? Almond is nice. In hot chocolate just go for the lovely rich cacao and water with honey.

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