Published on 01-05-2016
"anon216608" has authored 3 other posts.
When it comes to minerals, supplements may be indicated. For one example: we are told that you can get your necessary dose of Selenium from brazil nuts because the brazil nut tree is an accumulator, but if the soil has become depleted, the tree can still grow and produce fruit, but there will be little or none in the nut itself. This is true about every food plant that acts as an accumulator of one type of mineral or another.
Problems show up, I guess, when the supplements contain too much of the needed mineral (or vitamin) or if it is in a hard-to-digest form, e.g., folic acid vs folate. As far as I can see, the development of vitamin and mineral supplements has improved greatly over the past generation.
I don’t for one minute believe that your standard issue healthy diet contains all the minerals and vitamins we need for nutritional purposes, but vitamins can also be used as medicine, that is, therapy. It’s best for people with health challenges to consult with someone who has much knowledge in this area iinstead of stuffing themselves with tons of supplements any old way.
Years ago, I found an article entitled “Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Functions of Vitamins”. This consisted of a list of 19 vitamins or vitamin-type substances and how they behave according to TCM lingo. Here’s a few examples:
VITAMIN B1: Regulates the Qi, activates the Qi, strengthens the spleen, dries dampness, help preent stagnation, expedites the free flow of liver Qi and stop pain.
BIOTIN: Nourishes blood, relaxes the liver, nourishes the skin, tonifies the heart blood, calms the Shen.
CHOLINE: Nourishes the blood, extinguishes wind, nourishes the Jin sinews, moistens the intestines.
VITAMIN C: Clears heat, stops bleeding, clears heat and dissolves toxins, clears heat from the Heart and calms the Shen.
VITAMIN B6: Clears heat from liver/gallbladder, extinguishes wind, harmonizes wood and earth, relieves depression, clears heat from the stomach and damp heat from the gallbladder.
Also, a chart I have of “Five Phase Correspondences” includes Major Minerals and Vitamins. For example, Vitamin A and B2, Copper and Iron, belong to Phase 1 (L/GB); Vitamin B1 and B6, Manganese and Zinc are Phase 3 (Sp/S) and so on and so forth.
Thank you.
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comment by "anon204466"
on Jul 2017
Hi there
I am very much interested in this article “Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Functions of Vitamins”
if you could post a link for it
Thank you
comment by "anon216608"
on Jul 2017
Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Functions of Vitamins".
Hello, Ioannis. I don’t think this is on the internet. I have this old piece of paper with all this info. I can type out the parts of it for you that don’t appear on my above examples, then post them here, if it is okay with Chad. I don’t know who authored this, I don’t even know how I come to have that piece of paper, I just found it tucked into an older booklet on Chinese medicine that I have. It will take some time, so can you wait a bit? I’ll try to get to it within 2 days. Best to you. - MoiAussi.
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comment by "anon204466"
on Jul 2017
Hi Eliza
Thank you so much for your answer
I can wait for sure but If it is too much trouble to type everything just take a photo with your mobile and sent it to my email.
I am new in this forum so I do not know if I can write my email here
thanks again
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2017
@MoiAussi - it’s certainly fine to post it. We obviously can’t keep material with copyrights on here in their full form, but certainly a list like that from an unknown source would be fine.
@ioannis_mastoris - you don’t need to put your email address in - if someone wants to write you directly (i.e. not in the forum) they can simply click on your username and click “message” to use our private message system.
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comment by "anon216608"
on Jul 2017
Mobile phone? LOL. We don’t have such a thing, if you mean “smart phone”. I can’t even scan this the old fashioned way on our old fashioned scanner, because the sheet is so dull, stained and crumpled. Not to worry. I’m a touch-typist (a woman) and anything that has to do with health & medicine is not a burden for me to type. Today for sure.
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