I wouldn't worry about being 'over-treated' - the different strands of Chinese medicine were meant to work together, and it is common to take herbs while receiving acupuncture, practising Qi Gong, or what have you. In my experience, the more...
I treated a patient a year or so ago who had very similar symptoms. Of course, you need to do a full Chinese diagnosis and treat on the basis of that, but there is clearly some heat there, and in...
Have you thought about your diet? Yin is damaged by overconsumption of heating, stimulating foods such as coffee, strong spices, lamb, ginger, mustard etc. These will also make you feel more agitated and shaky. In contrast, cooling Yin building foods...
Getting them to focus on their feet can be useful. Have them lie down and press with your thumbs into Kid1 while they concentrate on this point. Also, check their breathing, chances are it is rapid and shallow, in which...
I use acupuncture and tui na much as Chad describes. It is important to identify areas of local excess and deficiency and treat appropriately. So where there is excess, on the side the spine is curving towards, there will be...
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