Whatever modalities your husband is chosing to address his pain, a recommended first step is to cut out the sugar free soda. It might take some effort at weaning, as it turns out the chemicals used as a sweetener are...
Thanks for your response, Veena Saraswati. I wonder if the energies we call on through distant healing, prayer, and kindred modalities make such distinctions between so-called serious diagnosed complaints and "the common cold". Similar to distinctions that prevail but I...
There are many places on line to get information about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) . Here is one resource: http://eft.mercola.com/ . You can focus on anything you want to change - in this case repeating thoughts, but also pain, an...
Has the numbness cleared up? If so it is likely you slept on it. It happens to me now and again. Flexing and relaxing the hand that was affected usually resolves the issue. If it doesn't, then you could always...
I attend Tom Tam's guinea pig classes in the Boston, MA area and have for about 15 years or so. A friend I met in those classes has been treated very successfully by Tom using Tong Ren. Do you have...
When there is trauma - as in pain, surgery, fear - it can affect the natural polarity in the affected area, or even some distance away, usually in a meridian that travels through that area of the body. But the...
Many of us habitually suppress emotions rather than addressing them, and this adds to the body's stress, making it more likely that physical symptoms will arise and be more persistent. A Taoist practice known as The Six Healing Sounds may...
There are many things that you can do to enhance your response to your acupuncture treatments. Specifically, Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) offers many prescriptive energy exercises that will bring more balance to your vital energies. This will help you address...
Thanks for your suggestions. I, too, am a Tong Ren practitioner. I've made a note of your point suggestions. I've had good luck treating this with Sandi Radomski's protocol, as well as changing to a dressing with a different adhesive.
.In response to your request I have just posted the following article: "Self-Care to Promote Energetic Balance."There are many additional practices avaiable to promote grounding and balance, including various forms of meditation, monitoring your thoughts and beliefs, attending to your...
I treated the adhesive on the dressing using Sandi Radomski's protocol - that is, while holding the material, laser spraining each ear, then testing my response to the dressing with the kinesiology pendulum test. I also tested each meridian's alarm...
Hi Chad,This is not a pain patch. It is the sterile dressing for a dialysis tunnel catheter that has to cover the catheter 24/7. After 10 weeks of having the dressing in place, though it is changed frequently, I developed...
Good observations. Thank you for sharing. While the previous commentor indicates this might be off topic, I quite disagree. For those of us practicing various forms of energy interventions, the greater self awareness we can bring to the task the...
A few additional points to take into consideration:Where acupressure can be self-administered, it can be helpful in maintaining the effects from acupuncture.Supplementing acupuncture treastment from a cerified practitioner with self care - which can include acupressure, qigong, and energy exercises...
Hi Sheila -interesting contribution. Does one test for copper toxicity, and if so, how. Would it show up in bloodwork? Urinalysis? Is there any other way to find out if that is at play?Thanks,Judith
I am both a practitioner and an extremely sensitive person. I empathize. Besides being frustrating and perhaps scary, your range of symptoms also illustrate just how versatile the body's capacity for expressing its level of stress.I strongly suggest that you...
Here are a couple of things you can try:Massage the belly - up on the right, across at the waist, and down on the left. This is the path of the Large Intestine. It can help things move. You should...
At the risk of repeating myself I encourage you to get Donna Eden's book "Energy Medicine" or search for an energy medicine practitioner In your area. Go and go to "practitioners". He/she can gude you through the essential exercises that...
There is no magic pill to treat your constellation of symptoms, whether it be a pharmaceutical or a Chinese Herbal formula. Your assessment that your body is holding onto stress is probably accurate. The best way I know to re-educate...
Mostly I notice lack of grounding when clients mention obsessive thinking, attention deficit disorder as well as adhd, a weak aura, high levels of sensitivity, difficulty letting go of emotions. I rarely hear complaints of edema, but it makes sense...
In particular I _always_ focus on grounding. Donna Eden calls a procedure she developed "opening the vortex revival" which is basically working with the chakra on the bottom of the feet. When this does not have an open flow very...
GROUND. The kidney meridian is your grounding wire. It is the only meridian that starts on the bottom of the foot. Kidney 1 is also called "Bubbling Spring." If you walk barefoot on the earth and have learned to ground...
Balancing the Spleen meridian and the relationship between spleen and Triple Warmer can help support the body in adjusting to season changes.1. Make sure the spleen source point, located before the "bunyon bone" on the edge of each big toe...
Well, of course, the affect is strongest if you can get the people around you to do the routine with you, or as well as you. What it will do is keep your energy stronger so it is less affected...
There are two exercises for unscrambling energy - a standing and a seated version of qigong.Maybe you can get him to do it with you by demonstrating the results. You have him read something. If he tests weak after reading...
There are many dietary measures that are helpful. You can find reference books for treating candida. Basically eliminating yeast and mold from the diet (such as mushrooms, tea, white bread) while you are recovering. Some dietary suggestions are more drastic...
You are correct. The person testing you must be sure that their energy is not scrambled or reversed or homolateral before working with you. The more kinesthetic you are the more you might notice that your energy easily picks up...
From the temples, the Triple Warmer meridian goes deep, connecting with the hypothalamus gland, which is now considered the controlling gland for the endocrine system. (Previously first the Pituitary and then the Pineal were thought to play this role). Thus...
On the pragmatic level, is the child drinking plenty of water? What is her diet like? Do you know how to test substances, foods, etc with kinesiology? Perhaps there is a food sensitivity involved.There are a number of self administered...
I would ask your client if she recalls a particularly stressful event prior to the onset of acid reflux. Thinking about the meridian clock, the meridian most involved in the stress response is Triple Warmer, active 9-11 PM. It sits...
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