The tongue looks pale in comparison to the tip. The tip if a little red could be actually a healthy color and just looks red bc the rest of the tongue looks pale, swollen and a little soggy “scalloped”. Sounds...
The way we learned was to just make a design of either an x or a cross. It's just an area and the points draw the qi in to that area rather than activating specific points. It reminds me of...
I always check for uneven legs with sciatic issues. Even being off 1/4 inch can cause strong pain. I have learned a 'long leg treatment' that works every time for uneven legs and greatly reduces sciatic pain. When the patient...
I use Office Ally. It's quick and easy. ... I call the insurance company, which from everyone's advice, I will probably have the patient take care of finding out whether they are covered now. (So, thanks for starting the forum...
What stands out the most for me here is the move to another country where basic protocol as a practitioner (of any sort) might be different. Perhaps the sterilization or cleanliness could be questioned or it is simply just what...
I'm going to mention one thing... It may sound outside the realm of Chinese Medicine Terms but after reading the list of symptoms, I would consider ... Copper toxicity. It is very common now a days and runs the gamut...
Have you looked up some scalp points- specifically found and researched by a neurologist. There are points that correlate with the nervous system.Also, most nervous system issues, esp spasms or involuntary movement are From Liver wind. You can diagnose the...
**Sp3- great for reflux,Ren 13- focus on sphincter issues, Ren 12,St36- moves qi and tonifies middleAll good for reflux whether from def or excessAdd these to rest of treatment ( w/ focus on root issues)and you should get good results
Sounds like damp heat ( gb/liver channel).Liv5, Sp9, St40,Sj2-3 can greatly reduce edema, gb34 for joints and damp heatLocal points- liv2-3, kid1 for any stag/ pain in bottom of footKid3-bl60 for ankle
I like to think that meridians flow in a less than permanent manner, such as waterways. What happens when a large rock is placed in a river? The water flows around it. Only when the rock is large enough does...
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