Yeah, I definitely do bodywork as well. Thats another reason I use the distal points since it keeps the elbow totally free for work with by hands! Super helpful!
Neilkingham, yes ashi points can be of great use but in acute inflamatory conditions the Local ashi points can often induce a worsening of conditions. If I do use local points, it is either for more chronic conditions without inflamation...
There is also a direct balancing relationship between the Liver ( Jue Yin) and LI ( Yang ming) meridians and that will become more apparent when you read the Wang Ju Yi book mentioned above. Simiarly, Tai yin balances Tai...
Yes, I agree with gnigma's post above, check with the related meridan points on the knee. I would NOT use local points with an inflamatory condition. It would be okay to use a distal point on the same meridian.So if...
I think it depends on what your primary diagnosis is. You say the patient presents with HT & KD miscommunication, Lv-Qi Stag, SP-Qi Def.If you think the patient is primarily deficient and the insomnia is stemming from the Hrt and...
The Lower Dantian is actually closer to CV6, although depending on where you are in the world it is possible that this location might slightly change. From, "Opening the Dragon Gate" the biography of Taoist Master Wang Liping:" Earth has...
Yeah, there are a lot of ways to look at this obviously, and it depends on what you mean by the "matching point". If you mean the same point, and you are doing a bilateral/symetrical TCM style treatment, I would...
The Lower Dantian is actually closer to CV6, although depending on where you are in the world it is possible that this location might slightly change. From, "Opening the Dragon Gate" the biography of Taoist Master Wang Liping:" Earth has...
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