There used to be syndrome lists for Spleen, Liver, Heart etc., that list Maccocia and St john points with each syndrome within an organ/official which were really useful rather than just lists of points which seem to be there now....
There used to be straightforward information on TCM patterns and in the points information. Now if you look up say, Liver yin Deficiency: there is a lot of information but no signs, symptoms, Aetiology, Pathology, points etc. The points...
I think we're talking straight here.........but what is your question please as, there is no context?
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Hi Paul As well as the excellent advice from Chuck and Stephen I would add that having a regular practitioner that you trust and respect is a good place to be. Describing symptoms on paper is never going to replace...
The old site's search facility was very easy to use. I used to be able to get results on most searches. The new site (even if it is several years old) is obviously on a bigger bandwitdth etc., but the...
O.K. thanks but the basic search used to work on all of these and does not now. In the past if you just put e.g. Kidney Meridian disharmonies in the search or, any other organ/official before the words Meridian Disharmony...
Chad said: 'I will comment generally in that nothing you are saying (or to be more correct, that your acupuncturist is saying) has any real meaning. Acupuncture is far more scientific than draining energy or giving energy and it doesn't...
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