"anon219571" Profile

and activity at the Yin Yang House

Profile and Activity of "anon219571"

"anon219571" They joined us in 2021.

2 Most Recent Public Forum Posts by "anon219571"

Practice name suggestions? (12/2021)

I want tot start my own acupuncture practice (in the Netherlands) in the end of the year/beginnng next year, maybe in the futures also herbs. And I find it difficult tot find a name…I tought, maybe do you have some...

Learning tips actions! (12/2021)

Hello everyone, I’m a Dutch (so sorry If I don’t use the correct words/language)student in the first year of acupuncture. So I finished the first year of basics/TCM. Now I have to learn the (deadman)actions to the points. I love...

25 Most Recent Public Forum Comments by "anon219571"

Get That Baby Out! - with acupressure... at home... (Study) - discussion (2019-12-09 07:20:44am) (12/2019)

Personally I have a lot of doubts about people who “study acupuncture/acupressure on their own”. I think it is irresponsible to practice without a proper education. And I have seen a lot of trouble coming from this kind of self-made...

Questions about size of needle for ear body face (3/2019)

I can only tell you what I’m using… In treatment: I’m using on children : seirin 0.10 (the blue ones with tube). On adults: the same or the tewa 0.16. On both I use the migrain balls a lot to...

Point memorization techniques - acupuncture students (3/2019)

I’d used Quizlet a lot! And it worked. Just train with it every day and you will memorize it. It also helps when you just learn the special point groups first. Then the actions become more logic, and hou have...

SwollenParathyroid glands how to treat them auriculo- Microsystems acupuncture -tong ren modality (12/2018)

Just got a seminar of Dr li Jie last weekend about thyroid diseases… Swollen= flegm so you can use flegm points, and points to move it. On the ear you have the endocrine point, and I should use thalamus also....

Moxa related questions (9/2018)

The only thing I do after moxa treatment is telling the patiënt to stay out of wind with that area and let It cover by clothes. Because of the pores that are open, they easier catch wind or epf if...

Damp, heat,cold , moisture (7/2018)

One of the first lessons I learned in TCM was about the concept of yīn and yàng. Qi isn’t just yàng . Nothing IS yàng or yīn! But Qi is yang compered to Xue. For example: water is yàng compered...

What is the uses of weizhong point in bladder meridian? (6/2018)

According tot the manual of acupuncture by deadman Actions Benefits the lumbar region and knees Activates the channel and alleviates pain Cools the blood Clears summer-heat and stops vomiting and diarrhoea Benefits the Bladder

Complex case - digestion, mood (5/2018)

I’m just a student, But Mayke I could help. We just had a course about digestive issues and the relation to Immune diseases. You also said you have astma, Thats why It triggered me to react. We learned that in...

Practice name suggestions? (3/2018)

That is exactly what I did. I want to be original and yes indeed, not insulting. I prefer an English name, because most “dutch” people speak English and it is more international (we have a lot of cultures in our...

The four levels? (3/2018)

It looks like you are throwing together a lot of things…If I where you, I should buy a good book about tcm, like “the foundations of chinese medicine” from maciocia (may he rest in peace, diseased last week) and read...

The four levels? (3/2018)

Bill: The zang fu to balance each other. One tries to “destroy” another. Or weakens them. That’s something I have tried to figure out and I don’t get it. Well no one has really explained it to me. Chad explained...

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

Are you a student? Because I learned a lot of the basis of this stuff in the basic tcm year…The year you have tot follow in the Netherlands even before starting studiing acupuncture, tuina, herbs and so on. There is...

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

When you heat something, it becomes dryer. It works also that way for damp. When it becomes dryer, it becomes more solid ->pleghm. Because of that, you must be careful with moxa in damp area’s. Warmth can move, but also...

Phlegm and rhuem (3/2018)

What we learn in school is … Damp is Like water that is standing still and becomes slimey. As it stands still long enough, it becomes thicker and turns into fleghm. Tot treat it, you have to “break it down/transformate...

Optimal needle size for auricular acupuncture (9/2017)

I see its an old topic, but maybe you didn’t Fins the answer yet. I’m a last year acupuncture student. We’re getting traind to use 2525 and 2540 needles without tube, because when you van use thema, you can almost...

Is hernia a case of prolapse? (6/2017)

Also an acupuncture student here…we learn hernia is a condition in the TCM categorie “shan disorder” …maybe that will help you.

Needling technique (6/2017)

I’m an acupuncture student and just finished my second year of training. I’m officialy an acupuncturist as soon as I finished my third and latest year. But I also see that I only have a document, that say’s I’m ready...

Ear Infection Adult 45 year old with punctured ear drum from age 30 (5/2017)

Chinese medicine (TCM) works a different way then western medicine. For example allergy is only a symptom But it could have a lot of causes. In TCM we treat the cause, so thats why we need a lot more information....

Want to recover from KD1 overcooling effects (5/2017)

Totally agree to chad’s reply. There is no way acupressure could have done this . st36 is “the three miles” point. Like the name of this point says, it was used in the Chinese army to help the soldiers when...

Li4 noktasına hangi boyutlarda iğne kullanmalıyım (4/2017)

That’s a great way to do that, searching for the sensation before needling! Love that idea. At our class we learn the deadman way: hold the thumb against the other vingers, so you get a little “hill”. Needle the point...

Learning tips actions! (4/2017)

Thanks I will look at that!

Herpes help, from management to wiping out the virus (4/2017)

I’m only a first year student… But for as much as I know herpes is a (toxic) heat condition and cannot dissapear. What we can do is make it “sleeping”, so de cliënt will have less outbreaks. But you can...

Learning tips actions! (3/2017)

Thank you, right now I’m a teacher, so I did know about the different learning strategies ;-). Untill now I was learning telephone nummers like: lu 11-10-9-8-5 and li 1-2-3-5-11…so the special point groups went well. But after all the...

Learning tips actions! (3/2017)

Tot be a therapist maybe, but to pass the tests I need tot know at least the first 3 actions of the most points from deadman…that’s a lot! Until now I passed all the tests, but there are 6 more...

Learning tips actions! (3/2017)

Thank you, I do see an acupuncturist regularly. We’ve had a few meridians:Lu, li, Liv, kid, per,sj, CV and gv…and most of the point groups.that means we’ve had to learn the actions and the locations of the meridians. In the...

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