KD 7

Acupoint Forum Posts

KD 7 Acupuncture Point Related Content

how to treat mentally unstable person through acupuncture

Can anyone help with a treatment formulation for bloating after eating and constipation? What should I be looking for with regards the pulse and tongue? What acupoints should I be treating? Thank you nick

Hi… My father is 76 old age person and he is diabetic patient since 2002 and recently he is suffering from severe weakness problem and he is unable ot walk and looking very depressed. Doctors suspected that he has water in the brain. We are very much tensed and what to do in this juncture can we ad…

Thanks for a comprehensive and well organized web site. I wonder whether you heard about (and agree with?) a combination of KD7(Fu Liu) and LU5 (Chi Ze) to help with man’s “kidney function”.

Simple Kidney Cysts are not considered a health problem in western medicine, particular those which are less than 5 cm. they need to be monitored once a year and the patient needs to obey a diet. Larger cysts usually drained with the special needle and filled with the alcohol, so it won’t regrow. H…

View Excessive sweating
published by islandhealing, 08-17-2009

I have a patient who is constantly sweating profusely, This is has been going on for a long time. She has all the symptoms of a kidney yin def except her tongue is pale with thin coating and her pulse is very weak and thin. Whenever she is treated with acupuncture for a kidney yin def her sweats be…

View Enuresis ( Child )
published by vladrof, 05-14-2008

What are the best points to treatment ENURESIS ?

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